1. L C

    In response to Paula’s comment — I also live in Oregon (Willamette Valley) and am looking for a church that hasn’t fallen into the deceptions written about by Lighthouse Trails (I just came across your comment by searching for Oregon and Lighthouse Trails, lol). If you’re nearby, maybe we can support each other in discernment or fellowship.

  2. Paula Cusimano

    Thank you for all you bring to the light, to all who are not willing to compromise with the new movements! I have learned a lot from reading your posts! I would love to personally meet one of you or more, but not sure how that would be possible. I am here in Oregon. I believe you are now in Montana. Thank you for researching the truth of the scriptures, and presenting such detailed and informative articles! Any suggestions you might have for a church, non purpose driven here, please let me know. May the Lord God Bless you and yours!

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