Search Results for: Donald Miller

Donald Miller, the Emerging Church, and the Democratic National Convention

On Monday night, August 25th, emerging church author Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz) gave the closing prayer at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. This comes on the heels of the news that Brian McLaren (prolific writer and emerging…

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“They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years”

In May of 2013, Lighthouse Trails released a report titled, “They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years.” In view of the upcoming elections and some of the…

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The New Missiology – Doing Missions Without the Gospel

LTRJ Note: The following is the content of  Roger Oakland’s booklet,  The New Missiology – Doing Missions Without the Gospel. We are reposting this important article because Lighthouse Trails has many new readers who may not have seen this. By…

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Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and Israel

LTRP Note: Please see the video clip  by Paul Wilkinson below the segment of this out-of-house news article. Also see a 2013 article by Jim Fletcher. “Anti-BDS activists decry Lutherans’ ‘obsession’ with Israel” By RAFAEL MEDOFF The Jerusalem Post The…

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Letter to the Editor: What is LT’s Take on “The Voice” “Bible”?

To Lighthouse Trails: What is “The Voice” translation of the Bible and what do you think of it? Our Comments: Our answer (from a 2007 LT article): According to an article in Christian Today, “New Bible Project for Young Generation…

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Letter to the Editor From a Former Young Life Leader: Watered-Down Gospel, Contemplative Authors, & Emergent Leanings

In 2012, Lighthouse Trails posted an article titled “Young Life’s History of Embracing Contemplative Authors Continues,” showing that the Christian youth organization, Young Life, was introducing Young Life leaders and kids to contemplative/emergent authors and speakers. The article we wrote…

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Lynne Hybels’ “God”

By Jim Fletcher Prophecy Matters Lynne Hybels is a woman of vast influence in the evangelical world. She and her husband, Bill, founded Willow Creek Community Church in 1975; today the Willow Creek Association (9,000 member churches worldwide) is one…

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2013 Update on FGBC (Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches) – Is FGBC Still Promoting Contemplative Spirituality and the Emerging Church?

June 2013 Update: In 2008, Lighthouse Trails wrote an article about the contemplative propensities of the FGBC (Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches). We have posted that article below this update. Please note that many of the FGBC links on the…

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NEW BOOKLET: They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus

They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years written by the Editors at Lighthouse Trails is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet  is 14 pages long and sells for…

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NEW BOOKLET: The New Missiology – Doing Missions Without the Gospel

The New Missiology –  Doing Missions Without the Gospel written by Roger Oakland is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off…

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“Propaganda Wins” on Israel

By Jim Fletcher WorldNetDaily Used with permission. At the Catalyst East conference in Atlanta, I listened to Lynne Hybels give a talk about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. One of her concluding slides was an image of the security fence Israel erected…

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Cornerstone University Update: Recommends Brian McLaren and Other Emergent Mystics & President Promotes Contemplative Spirituality

Today we received a phone call from a Lighthouse Trails reader asking what the recent status on Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan is. In 2006, we placed the Christian university on our Contemplative Colleges list and posted the following…

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