“Death by Church” – Emergent New Paradigm Pastor to Speak at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa

Emerging/emergent spirituality is making serious inroads into Christianity. Churches and Christian colleges, unaware of the subtle undermining of such spirituality, are embracing teachers and leaders of this movement and pointing others to them. Often they are unaware of what these teachers really believe and teach. In light of an event (Movement 2009) scheduled to take … [Read more…]

Letter from the Editor: Is Mariner’s Church OK for My Daughter?

To Lighthouse Trails: Do you know anything about Kenton Beshore of Mariners Church in Irvine, Ca. It is a mega-church that my daughter likes, but I don’t know too much  about it.  I could not find anything on it from the Lighthouse Trails  site. Our answer: We are familiar with Mariner’s as it is the “mother” … [Read more…]

Individual Salvation Rejected by “New Spirituality”

by Larry DeBruyn  LTRP Note: The following comments made by Larry DeBruyn help to point out the emerging church teaching that God is more concerned about (and desirous of) community or cultural salvation as opposed to individual salvation. This is a classic earmark of emerging/contemplative spirituality. This is the message conveyed in books such as … [Read more…]

“US priest who became a ‘Christian Muslim’ is defrocked “

LTRP Note: The following out-of-house news story is a follow up of our June 18, 2007 article “Episcopal Priest: ‘I Am Both Muslim and Christian’ — OK With Emerging Church.” We have posted our 2007 article below this current one because of its relevancy. “US priest who became a ‘Christian Muslim’ is defrocked” By Ecumenical … [Read more…]