Search Results for: Leonard Sweet

The Significance of Understanding Quantum Spirituality and Leonard Sweet’s “More Magnificent Way” of Seeing Christ

Over the past few decades, a number of New Age sympathizers have had a significant influence in the evangelical church. One of the chief is Methodist author, speaker, and teacher Leonard Sweet. Sweet openly calls the Father of the New Age Movement—the late Jesuit priest Teilhard de Chardin—“twentieth-century Christianity’s major voice.” Sweet also teaches the foundational New Age doctrine that God is “in” everyone and everything—that God is embedded in all creation. Brought forward and popularized by Rick Warren, Leonard Sweet and his New Age sympathies have not been adequately addressed by today’s pastors and church leaders. A look on Sweet’s website shows he has partnered with numerous popular figures such as Brian McLaren, Mark Batterson (Circle Maker), Erwin McManus, Mark Driscoll, Frank Viola, and Karen Swallow Prior (professor at Liberty University). The following booklet by Warren Smith reveals the “New Age Christianity” that Leonard Sweet has helped to bring into the church.

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On Leonard Sweet: Connectness Or Correctness – Which Will It Be?

By Tamara Hartzell (author of Reimagining God) “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their…

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** 100th BOOKLET FROM LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS! ** Quantum Spirituality and Leonard Sweet’s “More Magnificent Way” of Seeing Christ

Editor’s Introduction Note: It is very fitting that our 100th Booklet is about emerging-church leader Leonard Sweet. Many of you may not know who he is or know very little about him, but his influence in the church has been…

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3 Contemplative Proponents -Leonard Sweet, Rick Warren, and Mark Driscoll – Named Among “Top 10 Most Influential Christians” of 2010

The Christian Telegraph, one of Russia’s largest online source for Christian news, has named Leonard Sweet, Rick Warren, and Mark Driscoll three of the top 10 most influential Christians in 2010. Leonard Sweet is named top strategist of the year,…

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Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Gives Favorable Review of Book by New Age sympathizer Leonard Sweet

In the January 24th issue of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Towers magazine sits a review of Leonard Sweet’s recent book, Jesus Manifesto (p. 11). The review states that Sweet’s book “can be a good resource for young and old Christians alike.” The…

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Moriel and Way of Life Ministries Report on Concerns Over Calvary Chapel Embracing of New Age Sympathizer Leonard Sweet

Moriel has received a number of inquiries and comments regarding the invitation by Skip Heitzig extended to Leonard Sweet, the New Age Christian mystic usually identified with the “Emergent Church”, a movement against which senior Calvary pastor and founder Pastor…

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Chief Saddleback Apologist Defends New Age Sympathizer Leonard Sweet

by Warren B. Smith LTRP Note: This is part two of an introduction to Warren Smith’s new book, A “Wonderful” Deception. In last week’s installment, it was revealed that Rick Warren’s and Leonard Sweet’s evangelical “new reformation” appears to be…

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Rick Warren, Leonard Sweet, and Sweet’s “New Light” Leaders

by Warren B. Smith  LTRP Note: While some Christian leaders are issuing warnings about New Age figures such as Oprah, Eckhart Tolle, and A Course in Miracles, this same new age spirituality (under a “Christian” disguise) is being promoted and…

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Alistair Begg Withdraws from Reimagine Conference with Leonard Sweet

The Reimagine Conference, which will be held in December and hosted by the CCCA (Christian Camp and Conference Association), is featuring New Age sympathizer and mystic proponent Leonard Sweet. Widely popular and trusted teacher and pastor,Alistair Begg is also scheduled…

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2008 Saddleback Small Groups Conference Brings Together Rick Warren and Leonard Sweet

In less than two weeks, Rick Warren will team up with Leonard Sweet at the 2008 Saddleback Small Groups Conference. The following is our November 2007 report on this event. If you want to get a glimpse of a Purpose…

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Rick Warren Teams Up with New Ager Leonard Sweet

Rick Warren has invited New Age proponent Leonard Sweet to speak at the 2008 Saddleback Small Groups Conference called Wired. The theme of the conference is “Prepare your church for spiritual growth and connectivity.” Unfortunately, spiritual growth and connectivity ala…

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