Castles in the Sand visits Thomas Merton and Richard Foster

by John Lanagan My Word Like Fire Thus far Castles in the Sand, the novel by Carolyn Greene, has visited some strange places. The book  first journeyed to a friendly neighborhood labyrinth, and was left at the entrance. Shortly thereafter the book visited an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, where it was given to a surprised AA member.  The meeting, held in the … [Read more…]

Thomas Merton and The Shack

Five million copies of The New York Times Best-Seller, The Shack, have now sold, and the book is still going strong. Considering that the average popular book is passed around to three or four people (by some estimates), there could be as many as fifteen to twenty million readers of The Shack. For those who … [Read more…]

Reiki, Thomas Merton, and Richard Foster

by Ray Yungen  A mystical pragmatism is growing particularly fast through various New Age healing techniques. One such procedure is called Reiki (pronounced ray-key), a Japanese word that translates to Universal Life Energy or God energy. It has also been referred to as the radiance technique. Reiki is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist healing system, rediscovered … [Read more…]

Ravi Zacharias Ministries Points to Nouwen, Merton, and Foster

The headline is sadly accurate – Ravi Zacharias International Ministry website is carrying numerous articles which speak favorably of Catholic mystic Henri Nouwen, Catholic monk and mystic, Thomas Merton, and contemplative Richard Foster. The articles are under a section called A Slice of Infinity. A summary statement on the website says they are “aimed at … [Read more…]