Search Results for: Tony Jones

4 Reasons Why Holman Publishers Should Not Have Inserted an Article by a Contemplative Author into Their King James Bibles

Recently, Lighthouse Trails learned that Holman Bible Publishers (the oldest Bible publisher in America)  has inserted an article by a strong contemplative proponent into several of their King James Version Bibles (some of which Lighthouse Trails WAS carrying) including: the Ultra Thin Reference…

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Question to the Editor: What’s Up with Lilly Endowment – Funding Pastoral Sabbaticals with a Contemplative Agenda

To Lighthouse Trails: Eli Lilly, a major pharmaceutical company, in conjunction with Christian Theological Seminary (a liberal seminary in Indianapolis, IN) is funding pastoral sabbaticals.  It appears it is just a part of a national program. Seems highly suspect to…

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‘LECTIO DIVINA” List – Who is Promoting it?

This list is taken from our Lectio Divina: What it is, What it is Not, and Should Christians Practice it? Print Booklet Tract. This list will be updated as needed. You can read that booklet by going here. On February…

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Deportation of German homeschool family affects US homeschool freedom

 The Washington Times Communities DALLAS  — In 1938, the practice of homeschooling was outlawed in Germany by Adolf Hitler and the infamous Third Reich. It was a rough period in German history, as thousands of young people were being pried…

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2012 YEAR IN REVIEW – Part 3 – “Top 8 Out-of-House Articles By Like-Minded Ministries”

1/A Special Report: The Healing Codes – The secret of health and prosperity revealed? by Mike Oppenheimer (Let Us Reason) The Healing Code book has been seen in USA Today, People, Time magazine, as well as many other print media…

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The Top 50 “Christian” Contemplative Books – A “NOT RECOMMENDED Reading List” and 25 Christian “Bridgers” to Them

LTRP Note: Ray Yungen and the editors at Lighthouse Trails have put together our Top 50 “Christian” Contemplative Books  – A “Not Recommended Reading List.” If your pastor, your professor, your children, or your friends are reading any of these books, then they…

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Lectio Divina: What it is, What it is Not, and Why It is a Dangerous Practice

Lectio Divina – There’s a lot of talk about it today; umpteen books are published and more are on the way about lectio divina; and an increasing number of evangelical/Protestant figures are writing about it, endorsing it, and teaching it….

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Letter to the Editor: Is Compassion International Going Emergent?

2014 Update: To further illustrate how Compassion International is going down the contemplative/emergent path, in April 2013, there was a lectio divina “webinar” held at Compassion International. To Lighthouse Trails: We have seen references to conferences with Willow Creek that included several Emergent…

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Letter to the Editor: Is Lighthouse Trails Crying Wolf on Meditation?

LTRP Note: The following is a letter we received from someone who has a legitimate concern. Below his question is our response and some added information. The Question: To Lighthouse Trails: I have been enjoying your expose of the emergent…

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Emerging Spirituality – Bridging the Gap between Good and Evil

by Roger Oakland  The serpent’s temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden, that we can be like God, remains with mankind to this very day. Satan’s plan is to lessen or eliminate (he hopes) the gap between himself and God….

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Wheaton College “Dialogue” Evening – Exploring “Common Ground” with Catholicism in “A Conversation on Unity”

On March 26, 2012, Reformed pastor John Armstrong and Catholic Cardinal George of Chicago will come together at Wheaton College for “A Conversation on Unity in Christ’s Mission.” The flyer you see to the left reads: “An evening of dialogue exploring…

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“They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus” – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years

In 2007 and 2008, books, videos, broadcasts, and news articles were pouring into mainstream America with a guilt-ridden message that basically manipulated conservative Christians into thinking that either they shouldn’t vote because “Jesus wouldn’t vote,” or they shouldn’t vote on…

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