Search Results for: rick warren catholic oakland

Christian Leaders—A New Openness . . . to the Catholic Church

LTRP Note: The information in this article was written a few years ago, but it remains as relevant today as it did back then—in fact, more so as you can see from the articles we link to at the bottom of…

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Booklet Highlight: Rick Warren’s Dangerous Ecumenical Pathway to Rome And How One Interview Revealed So Much

To order copies of Rick Warren’s Dangerous Ecumenical Pathway to Rome And How One Interview Revealed So Much in booklet format, click here. By Roger Oakland In 2014, Rick Warren (called “America’s Pastor) was interviewed by Catholic T.V. network host Raymond Arroyo….

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Christian Leaders—A New Openness . . . to the Catholic Church

LTRP Note: The information in this article was written a few years ago, but it remains as relevant today as it did back then—in fact, more so as you can see from the articles we link to at the bottom…

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Contemplative Mystic Jean Vanier Dies (90), But Influence Over Rick Warren Will Continue

God’s Dream for humanity is the gradual realization that we can become One.—Jean Vanier (1) On May 7th, Canadian Catholic humanitarian, Jean Vanier, died at the age of 90.2 Vanier, founder of L’Arche where Henri Nouwen spent the last ten…

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Christian Leaders – A New Openness . . . to the Catholic Church

By Ray Yungen It is not just a fluke or an aberration that the evangelical churches and the Catholic Church are coming into alignment with each other. The Catholic Church is taking a softer approach to the evangelical church, and…

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Hundreds of Protestant Scholars and Pastors Sign “Reforming Catholic Confession,” But Can the Church Trust This Document?

Hundreds of Protestant and evangelical scholars, pastors, and theologians have signed a document called “Reforming Catholic Confession”  to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, which will be commemorated on October 31, 2017. According to Dr. Timothy George, dean of…

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Jesuit Pope Francis, Pastor Rick Warren And The Coming One-World Religion for Peace

By Roger Oakland Understand the Times Hardly a day goes by without news relating to Bible prophecy and especially the advancing trend towards a global religion for the cause of peace. It seems there are few who understand this is…

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NEW BOOKLET: Rick Warren’s Dangerous Ecumenical Pathway to Rome And How One Interview Revealed So Much

NEW BOOKLET TRACT: Rick Warren’s Dangerous Ecumenical Pathway to Rome And How One Interview Revealed So Much by Roger Oakland is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet.  The Booklet is 16 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity…

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Letter to Editor: Rick Warren Speaks in Philadelphia at Catholics’ World Meeting of Families on Sept. 25

  Dear Lighthouse Trails: Rick Warren gave the final keynote address of the World Meeting of Families conference on Sept.25th. Rick Warren told the crowd: “Thank you for caring about the family” and quoted Pope Francis as saying that “the…

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Pope Francis, Rick Warren, and That 2014 Catholic Interview No One Thought Important? Reminder of Its Revealing Facts About “America’s Pastor”

In May of 2014, Roger Oakland wrote a five-part series addressing Rick Warren’s television interview with Catholic TV host Raymond Arroyo. The facts that Roger uncovered should have sent shock waves throughout the evangelical church . . . but they…

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Letter to the Editor: Rick Warren to Co-Preach Keynote Address at Pope’s U.S.A. Visit in September

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I thought you might want to know that Rick Warren is going to co-preach the Keynote Address with a priest for Pope Francis’ visit in September 2015. Here is the link to the documentation on that meeting:…

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‘Pope’ Francis Claims Devil Keeping Evangelicals, Roman Catholics Divided: ‘They Are One’

LTRP Note: Please see the video below, which is an 8-minute talk Pope Francis recently gave regarding this matter. While listening to him talk, it was hard not to think of the martyrs described in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, many…

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