Category: —Creation/Evolution

Are Today’s Christians Duped by Fatalism?

By David Dombrowski Today, I would like us to ask ourselves, as the body of Christ, a question, “Are we being fooled by a fatalistic mentality?” I believe it’s an important question, and depending on the answer, it could affect…

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A Wrong Interpretation of Paul’s Appeal at Mars Hill Has Caused a Diffusion of the Gospel

By Mike Oppenheimer When Paul spoke the Gospel to these religious pagans in Athens on Mars Hill for the first time, he didn’t wait to become friends first to “share his beliefs.” This is an absurd method to abide by. He…

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The Trinity: Christology

By Mike Oppenheimer From his book, The Trinity: The Triune Nature of God If we are to grasp who God is, we must understand the core doctrine of the nature of God. Acceptance of the biblical view is what separates…

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Earth Day and a Christian Perspective on the Environment

LTRP Note: The following article is from Roger Oakland’s booklet A Christian Perspective on the Environment: How the Catholic Pope and Other Leaders Are Uniting the World’s Religions Through Environmentalism. You may also wish to read Carl Teichrib’s article/booklet, Earth Day and a…

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Witness to This Generation Through “Farmer Theology”

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16) By Roger Oakland What is…

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New Booklet: Global Warming or Cooling or an End-Time Sign?

Global Warming or Cooling or an End-Time Sign? by Tony Pearce is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are available. Our Booklets are designed to give…

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The Shack and a New Age View of the Trinity

By Mike Oppenheimer(From his book The Trinity: The Triune Nature of God) Today, the word Trinity, or Trinitarian theology, is taking on a whole new meaning, one of which most Christians are unaware but one that is working its way into…

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Taking a Quantum Leap into the New Age

From Roger Oakland and Caryl Matrisciana’s book, The Evolution Conspiracy. There is a clear but complex marriage between physical evolution and transcendental evolution. Ironically, while forcing out creationism, many scientists and educators push for an equally religious alternative. They cling…

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Earth Day and a Christian Perspective on the Environment

LTRP Note: The following article is from Roger Oakland’s booklet A Christian Perspective on the Environment: How the Catholic Pope and Other Leaders Are Uniting the World’s Religions Through Environmentalism. You may also wish to read Carl Teichrib’s article/booklet, Earth…

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10 Things to Ponder—Pathways to Apostasy

LTRP Note: The links in the following article provide further information on each topic listed. By Roger Oakland While I am certain there are many more, the following ten trends provide a good overview of what is taking place in…

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A Matter of Life and Death

By Roger Oakland Evolution` not only robs God of His glory in creating life, it also destroys God’s purpose of death and God’s plan to overcome it through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “For the wages of…

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