Tag: caryl matrisciana
From Roger Oakland and Caryl Matrisciana’s book, The Evolution Conspiracy. There is a clear but complex marriage between physical evolution and transcendental evolution. Ironically, while forcing out creationism, many scientists and educators push for an equally religious alternative. They cling…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I am from a Hindu background. The word Yoga has developed from the word Yog. Yog means union. So when you do Yoga, you can expect your spirit to be in union with “divine spirit” completely. According…
By Caryl Matrisciana Caryl Matrisciana grew up in India and later as a young adult in England and then the U.S. became deeply involved with the New Age movement. (Used with permission in May 2016) I’ve had several e-mails asking…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I am a believer in Christ and consider myself a defender of the Faith. I live in a small town in ________ and attend a tiny Free Methodist church. I do not consider myself Free Methodist, nor…
By Roger Oakland and Caryl Matrisciana Through evolutionary beliefs, we can see that our culture is slamming the door on God the Creator while at the same time opening the door to the fallen spiritual realm (the demonic realm). As…
Caryl Matrisciana’s memorial was held January 14th at Calvary Chapel Cypress with Pastor Chris Quintana. The following video is the service. It begins at about the 9 minute mark.
By Barbara Lay Editor at The Berean Call “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous…
LTRP Note: We are posting this particular letter to the editor in the event that others may share the same concern. To Lighthouse Trails: I’ve been waiting for a notice of Caryl’s memorial service, or at least something published in…
By Caryl Matrisciana When I was twenty years old, my family returned from India, where I was born and lived for most of my life, to England, our homeland. It was during the turbulent sixties, and I was about to…
Dear friends: Around midnight on December 2nd, Caryl Matrisciana passed away peacefully at her home. She had been battling cancer for over a year. Caryl was a devoted mother and grandmother as well as a film maker, author, speaker, and…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I would like to say a few things to each and everyone of you at Lighthouse Trails to include all the authors, your speakers, ect. My husband and I have been reading your articles, buying your books,…
Age, accidents, illness, natural disasters and death, it cannot go unnoticed that these men and women who have walked with God , have each been challenged with tremendous difficulties at this present time. Is it too much to suggest that…