2 Videos: Dutch Holocaust Resistance Worker – Diet Eman (yes, it really happened); and Hitler: “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future”

Diet Eman, a Lighthouse Trails author, is 92 years old. During World War II, Diet, a Holland citizen, became involved in the Christian Resistance movement helping save the lives of hundreds of Jewish people who were being persecuted and murdered by the Nazis. The video below was recently taped with Diet giving her story. There are fewer and fewer Holocaust survivors left in the world (especially ones who were old enough to remember and also ones from a Christian viewpoint). Diet wrote about her experience in Things We Couldn’t Say. That book was published by Eerdman Publishers several years ago. When we read the book a few years back, we asked Eerdman’s to contract with us so that we could publish a new edition. They agreed, and we became the honored publishers of Diet’s book. While we were preparing the book for press, we got in touch with Diet and asked her for pictures that we could include. When we opened the envelope of photos that she did send us, out fell a small handmade envelope. Knowing the story, it was a moment of emotion and tears; it was that little envelope that had been thrown off a train during the war by Diet’s fiance who was hoping to get a final note to Diet. Diet’s story is no fictional story. She witnessed the Holocaust, and God preserved her so she could tell future generations that the Holocaust really did happen.


The following clip is of Hitler in 1935 at the Reichsparteitag. Hitler said that “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future.”  There are people today who have tried to say the Holocaust never happened or that Hitler didn’t really kill that many Jews. North Americans need to wake up and realize that when we don’t learn from history, history will repeat itself. Today’s youth, including many Christian youth, are being swooped up through New Age/New Spirituality, “progressive,” and emerging ideologies. Colleges and universities (including Christian ones) are helping to prepare these youth for the coming world leader who will be against Jesus Christ and His church. As you watch this video below, think about how much Hitler’s words to the youth sound like some major Christian leaders today who are saying, we must all unite whatever it takes.