Note: Some have asked why Lighthouse Trails has always included a category “Children at Risk” when our ministry focus is exposing the truth about the New Spirituality. We have determined, over the course of several years of researching, that certain elements fit within the scope of the “New Age/New Spirituality.” Each of these elements has two things in common: 1) each draws people away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and 2) each leads to death and/or destruction of people’s lives. Thus, we call this New Age/New Spirituality the “death religion.” These elements include: occultism, mysticism, evolution, abortion, homosexuality, and child sexual abuse (pedophilia).

2012 was not a good year for children. Frankly, adults are not doing a good job protecting them, both in the secular world and in many Christian circles. Lighthouse Trails has covered just a small portion of news stories where children are at risk. To capsulate, child sexual abuse is rampant, Yoga and meditation are being taught to children all over the place, including in many churches and youth groups, children are being shot in schools and the wrong things are being blamed,  evolution and occultism are prevalent in public schools and in the media, and homosexual marriage has made huge inroads putting thousands and thousands of children at risk.  Basically, the welfare and safety of children has gone amuck. State and Federal government and the United Nations [Agenda 21] are moving in quickly to take over the role, and parents are going to lose their freedom to take care of their own children because so many haven’t been doing the job right. And thus, Lighthouse Trails will continue to do its small part in protecting children.

In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not. Matthew 2:18


1/(SEXUAL ABUSE) Sandusky Convicted of Child Sex Abuse – Lighthouse Trails To Address Issue of Child Abuse in New Book On June 22nd, former Penn State University assistant football coach, Jerry Sandusky, was convicted of 45 counts of child sex abuse, from abuse that took
place over a 15 year period (as the video news clip below describes). Lighthouse Trails has been an advocate for children since our inception, when we released Laughter Calls Me in 2003. . . . In the fall of 2012, Lighthouse Trails will be releasing a book, Seducers Among Our Children, written by a retired New York police sergeant. Patrick Crough, through the lens of his Christian faith, shares his experience as an investigative officer for child sex abuses cases for many years  in New York

2/(SEXUAL ABUSE) “Tom White, Abuse, VOM, and the Power of the Internet”

Last Thursday afternoon I received a call while in my office at Emmanuel Enid. One of our secretaries buzzed in and said, “I have a man on the phone who
claims to be the father of the young girl abused by Tom White and he wishes to speak to you.”
My heart skipped a beat. Earlier in the week I had felt
impressed to write an open letter on the Internet to the unnamed and unknown girl allegedly abused by Tom White, the Executive Dirctor of Voice of the Marytyrs. The police and press had both reported that Tom White had committed suicide while under investigation for possible abuse of this young girl.

3/(MYSTICISM) Sending Your Child or Teen to Camp This Summer? – Be Careful – Many are Promoting Contemplative Spirituality

Summer is fast approaching, and with it, comes Christian summer camps for youth. But there are now many Christian retreat and conference centers that are advocating or promoting contemplative spirituality and the emerging church. Such camps would be spiritually dangerous choices to send a child or teen for summer camp. Please use wisdom and discernment when choosing a summer camp. And instead of sending your child alone to a camp, consider attending a family camp where the entire family goes together. Either way, please be careful.

4/(MYSTICISM) Young Life’s History of Embracing Contemplative Authors Continues

No one can doubt that Young Life, a 72 year old Christian organization  that reaches out to young people, has a heart for kids. Volunteers and paid staff work diligently week after week in communities throughout America, Canada, and over 60 other countries to help get teens on the right path in life. In the course of a year, hundreds of thousands of kids come into contact with Young Life. Unfortunately, while their zeal to help kids is commendable, Young Life has been turning to contemplative mystics for guidance and spiritual instruction for at least two decades.

5/(OCCULTISM) Toying with Death – Learning to Love Evil & Crave Violence 

Vile “entertaining” images mold the minds of children and youth around the world! Do you wonder what will happen to our nation and culture when these conditioned youth reach adulthood? Might the civilized world be following a path to corruption and chaos that makes the decadence in ancient Rome seem mild by comparison?

6/(SEXUAL ABUSE) How to Protect Your Child From Sexual Predators – Part 1 – The Internet 

I was investigating crimes against children long before the Internet became part of our daily lives. When I began my career, the Internet was still very much in the infant stages of its development, and its use was limited to the corporate world. But as it has evolved to its present state, the frequency of crimes against children has increased astronomically, and its use is beyond our ability to regulate. No longer is your child safe in the confines of your home under your close supervision. The Internet is the predator’s Trojan horse into what is supposed to be your fortress and sanctuary from the outside world.

7/(HOMOSEXUALITY) Amish Man Convicted For Helping Ex-Homosexual Protect Her Daughter

On Tuesday, an Amish-Mennonite pastor was found guilty of abetting international kidnapping, and on the same day a lawsuit was filed against him and several organizations that allegedly conspired to make the crime happen. Among those who are named as defendants in the suit are the Liberty University School of Law and Thomas Road Baptist Church, which is led by Senior Pastor Jonathan Falwell.

8/(HOMOSEXUALITY) What Happens to Kids When Homosexual Marriage is Approved

In their campaigns, activists have claimed that approval of homosexual marriage and transgender issues will not change how children are taught in public schools. But the National Organization for Marriage indicates that is not true.

9/(ABORTION) Obama Defends Roe v. Wade As Way for ‘Our Daughters’ to Have Same Chance As Sons to ‘Fulfill Their Dreams’

President Barack Obama says the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade is the chance to recognize the “fundamental constitutional right” to abortion and to “continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams.”

10/(FREEDOM) War on U.S. homeschoolers escalates 

Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, caught up in the high-profile Obamacare arguments that started today, have refused to intervene in a case in which deputies threatened parents with the forced removal of their children unless they agreed to let social workers, who did not have a warrant or probable case, search their home. The stunning conclusion came in a lawsuit brought on behalf of John and Tiffany Loudermilk, who sued officials after a confrontation at their Maricopa County, Ariz., home in 2005.


2012 YEAR IN REVIEW – Part 1: “Top 10 Book and Film Reviews”

2012 YEAR IN REVIEW – Part 2: “Top 10 Out-of-House News Stories by Various Agencies”

2012 YEAR IN REVIEW – Part 3 : “Top 10 Out-of-House Articles By Like-Minded Ministries”