See also Part 1 Year in Review | See also Part 2 Year in Review | See also Part 3 Year in Review | See Also Part 4 Year in Review | See also Part 5 Year in Review

2015 review banner - annual review or summary of the recent yearListed in order of when we posted them.


1/Eye Witness Account at Parliament of the World’s Religions 2015 Reveals Growing Animosity Toward Biblical Christians by Lynette Irwin

The 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions was held October 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They estimated over fourteen thousand people attended this New Age (now called “interfaith”) convention at the cost of $500/person. This convention was well advertised for over a year. Many booths from differing faiths, political interfaith organizations, and seminaries were anxiously handing out their free literature and books to attendee’s as they walked through.

2/Fox News Contributor Kirsten Powers Exits Evangelicalism to Embrace Catholicism – Timothy Keller & Other Evangelical Leaders Partly to Blame by L. Putnam

Kirsten Powers, Fox News’ pundit, happily announced on October 9, 2015 to “The Five” on “One More Thing” that the next day she would become Catholic.  Immediately, Powers was “high fived” by Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Eric Bolling.

3/Singing for Pope Francis in an Ecumenical Setting  by The Berean Call

CHRISTIAN SONGWRITER DARLENE ZSCHECH IS SINGING FOR POPE FRANCIS IN ST PETER’S SQUARE – PART She will appear alongside fellow worship leader Don Moen and classical tenor Andrea Bocelli at the “Voices in Prayer” event held by Catholic charismatic group ‘Renewal in the Spirit.’ Thousands are expected to gather in St Peter’s Square for the event, which will include prayer for persecuted Christians. . . . “This is a celebration of unity and peace in the Renewal of the Holy Spirit. Amazing days for the Body of Christ”, she wrote.

4/Pope Francis: An Apocalyptic Figure? by Jan Markell

I am cautious about “pinning the tail” on the Antichrist and the False Prophet.  We cannot know ahead of time who these personalities are; however, Pope Francis comes close to “filling the bill” on the False Prophet. Or he may be but a “type” of that man just like there are many “types” of the Antichrist throughout history. I think the devil has always had a candidate for the Antichrist waiting in the wings as he doesn’t know when the final generation is.

5/U.S. Supreme Court Ruling—Zivitovsky vs Kerry—Another Turn Against Israel by Bill Randles

The US Supreme Court recently gave a ruling (Zivotovsky vs. Kerry), which would prevent any U.S. passport holder born in Jerusalem to declare they were also born in Israel. This, in spite of a 2002 law passed by the Congress of the United States allowing Jerusalem born U.S. passport holders to declare Israel as their nation of origin. The 2002 Passport law has never been implemented because U.S. politicians have been afraid to be seen taking sides against the “Palestinians” on the issue.


Endorsed by everyone from Rick Warren and Bill Hybels to Dave Ramsey, Steven Furtick and Jeff Foxworthy, Deep and Wide reveals Andy Stanley’s “secret sauce” (p. 17) which he believes makes his church not only great but a model others should adopt. Stanley’s goal has been to create a church that unchurched men, women and children love to attend (p. 11) and by all accounts he has succeeded. The first of five sections tells the story of the birth of North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Georgia, first as an extension of his father’s (Charles) church, then as a split, in which several thousand people eventually left the mother church to join Andy’s. Andy knows this is not the best way to start a church, but is honest and transparent enough to admit that this is what happened. Conflicts with his famous father were inevitable and Andy chronicles those as well.

7/A Response to “Red Letter Christians” and Tony Campolo’s “Going the Jesus Way” by Erik

I saw the article, on Tony Campolo:Christians Should Vote for Hilary.” It was quite revealing. Well on his website (redletterchristians.org), he wrote a short article called, “Going the Jesus Way” (http://www.redletterchristians.org/going-the-jesus-way/). He describes what the “Red Letter Christians” are all about. It’s off the mark to say the least. So I sent a response to this article and was wondering if you would be willing to look it over and consider it for a potential posting.

8/Crisis in the Church: “The New Inclusive Mennonites and the “Same Sex Conversation”by Menno-Lite

Why has the same sex conversation come to the forefront in so many Mennonite churches? Is there an organized force at work? Will your church and college soon be joining the new inclusive Mennonites? The following information may be a surprise for many Bible believing Mennonites. Please read carefully and prayerfully. The Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests, Minneapolis, MN (www.bmclgbt.org) are Brethren and Mennonites who say they “do not subscribe to formal creeds or doctrines developed by a church hierarchy: our only written authority is the Bible.

9/ From a Former Young Life Leader: Watered-Down Gospel, Contemplative Authors, & Emergent Leanings (Anonymous)

It has been nearly five years since I resigned from working for a popular, global youth ministry. Because of its popularity, it has been difficult for me to discuss my experience and found few who want to hear the reality. I want to share my story in hope of helping someone else who might be struggling, as I did. My husband and I discovered Young Life in our late twenties when we moved to a smaller town. After going through the “40 Days of Purpose” book with our church, we were determined to find a place of service where our gifts could be used for God.