The 2016 Great Lakes Prophecy Conference at Calvary Chapel Appleton (Wisconsin) will take place on September 9th through the 11th. If you live within driving distance or can fly in, this will be a great time of fellowship with like-minded believers and a chance to hear some wonderful teachings and information. This year’s conference will feature two Lighthouse Trails authors – Roger Oakland and Warren B. Smith. In addition to Oakland and Smith, also speaking will be Jim Fletcher (a writer Lighthouse Trails uses), Pastor Chris Quintana (featured on the Wide is the Gate DVD), David Hocking, Elijah Abraham, and Robert Congdon (Congdon Ministries).
The cost to attend the conference is just $35. If you are flying in or traveling from some distance and need lodging, be sure to book it early. Pre-registration is required. For more information, please visit the church website. Calvary Chapel Appleton is also the home of Lighthouse Trails author Mary Danielsen. The pastor of CC Appleton is Dwight Douville.
Note: As the days grow more difficult, the number of conferences like this is diminishing. Lighthouse Trails commends churches that are willing to “go against the grain” and hold such events with speakers who are not afraid to tell the truth.