By Tony Pearce
Light For the Last Days Ministries
It’s been a grim year for the human race. The Covid 19 pandemic has affected almost every nation on earth, causing many to die and millions to live in fear of catching the virus, as well as lockdowns of society and all the problems which have followed: loss of jobs, family stress, limits of freedom to travel and meet together in public. In the poorer countries of the world many have been driven to extreme poverty and starvation. As nations pile up massive debts as a result of the lockdown, there are warnings of economic turmoil, inflation and a recession going way beyond the 2008 financial crisis. Extreme weather events have caused droughts and colossal fires, storms and floods which have destroyed lives, homes and crops.
Many people are noting the connection between current events and Bible prophecies concerning the end of days: a global pandemic (Luke 21.11), increase in wars, famines, earthquakes and pestilence (Matthew 24.7-8). If we follow through Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 24, we see that these things are prophesied for the beginning of sorrows period that will lead to the ‘Great Tribulation’, a unique time of trouble that will precede His return to the earth. The Book of Revelation chapters 6-19 expands on this time of trouble, a seven year period during which a new form of government will arise controlled by one known as the Beast or the Antichrist who will himself be under the control of the devil. This government will demand submission and suppress and persecute all opposition, especially from believers in Jesus Christ (Revelation 13.4-10). . . .
He will have a brief period of absolute power (3 ½ years) during which time he will control people through a new economic system in which they will need a number and a mark to buy and sell:
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
This prophecy has been the subject of speculation throughout history with many claims that it has arrived or is about to arrive. Until our time no one has fitted the Bible’s description of the Antichrist and his programme. Although we do not yet see him in person, we do see signs that the kind of society prophesied here in Revelation could be on its way. Let us look at how this fits in with what is happening now and what is being planned for the future.
Limits to freedom.
In Britain the government imposed lockdown in March stopped all ‘unnecessary social contact’, making people stay at home, closing offices, shops, schools, and social venues. Then we had some easing of the lockdown over the Summer. Now, as the statistics show a rise in cases, we are being slammed into reverse as doom laden ‘experts’ issue warnings of thousands of casualties and a second full lockdown. More restrictions on normal life have come in with the ‘rule of six’ limiting social and family contacts. This will be in place for at least six months. Many firms, restaurants, sporting facilities and theatres face being wiped out. More people will die as a result of treatment of other diseases being limited in hospitals than would die from Covid 19, which has a lower death rate than ordinary flu and pneumonia.
Many people fear that the situation is being used as a means of controlling the population and that the government is being driven by scientists who are exaggerating the dangers and outside forces who are using it to bring down our economy and way of life and bring in a New World Order in which personal freedom will be lost. Click here to continue reading.
(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)
AMEN, Brother Tony! When I saw the title here “What Next?”, my first thought was, the events which Christ Jesus foretold in Revelation are next!
My prayer is that all who are His will endure to the end, will obey Him and glorify Him IN ALL THINGS, regardless of what happens in this world! And I pray for mercy, mercy, mercy on our nation — and believers all around the world.
Maranatha! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
Thanks, Jen for encouragement from a fellow Californian! I suppose Newsom is good for a good laugh!
Hi Elizabeth!
I’m in CA too and the king Newsom just likes to hear himself talk.
“Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?”
Isaiah 2:22 NASB
Regarding Thanksgivings….(insert sarcasm) For those who have larger families, I guess they just have to pick their favorite 3 children to invite over, serve Hungry Man t.v. dinners outside and rent a portapotty🤦🏻♀️ Oh and for goodness sakes, no singing! Laughter is good for the soul. Blessings
If there ever was a kill-joy it is Gavin Newsom. Now we also have limits on how many people can attend Thanksgiving dinners in private homes, limit to less than 2 hrs., bathroom protocal, etc. Cruel and ridiculous rules. I think most families will ignore Newsom’s mandates. We pray that the next Prez will free us from these dark lockdowns. They have devastated societies all over the world. All countries need to get rid of the lockdowns. I do not know who invented them. They probably come from China and the billionaires on the left.
What I thought about this week with all we face… Jeremiah 32 27 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?
A wake-up call for Christians to preach the Gospel now. We give no date of the Rapture. How soon? Even so, Come Lord Jesus. Only The Lord knows when the last Soul is saved before we join Our Savior in the air!