By Will Maule
The graphic artist who played a central role in designing the cover for the controversial novel ‘The Shack’ has said he deeply regrets working on the project, now disagreeing with the book’s contentious theology.
“[O]ver 10 years ago, I was captivated by the story and felt honored to be part of the graphic creation of the book. I was so drawn into it, wanting to know the God it portrayed,” Dave Aldrich of Aldrich Design posted on Facebook. “The Shack’s story wonderfully painted this picture to me of an incredibly knowable and loving God, one full of forgiveness, but without being judgmental.”
Aldrich began to read Rob Bell, Brian McLaren and others, and quickly realized he was on a path to holding universalist beliefs. “I thank the Lord that He pulled me back from that edge,” Aldrich wrote. He realized that if God is full of love, he must also be a righteous judge. Click here to continue reading.
Related Information:
Progression to Deception: How New Age Influence is Destroying the Church—One Step After the Next
When People Say, “But The Shack is Just a Novel!”
“Shack” Author Paul Young States in Just-Released Book—Christ Is “In” Every Single Human Being
I read the book and realize that the book was driving away from the bible and what God really is. I rejected it as new age. Very clever the way he captivates your emotions so that you would then be dulled to the illusion.
After reading the article, I don’t understand what Aldrich is even saying. It was vague, unclear and needed to be explained much better about his confusion of The Shack. Ive seen the movie several times and Im evidently not seeing, hearing, understanding what Aldrich is saying.