LTRP Note: The following article is a follow-up to a previous article about the surviving Beatles working together with the David Lynch Foundation to raise money to teach children around the world Transcendental Meditation.
The article below states that the David Lynch Foundation threatened a group that was speaking up against teaching mysticism to children. Researcher Ray Yungen, when hearing this story, said it made perfect sense. Recently, when he was researching the top two major chain bookstores in the country (both of which begin with the letter “B”), because of the upcoming Easter religious holiday they each feature a table with the theme Faith, Religion, and Inspiration. At the first store, there were forty-six titles on the table, none of which represented evangelical Christianity. Rather there was books on Wicca, two or three by channeled entities, the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Henri Nouwen, Thomas Merton, and Marianne Williamson. In essence, mysticism was the overriding theme. In the second store, there were forty titles on this table, with only eight or nine representing evangelical Christianity. The rest represented predominately Hinduism (Autobiography of a Yogi) and Buddhism. This illustrates, like none other, that the paradigm shift Lighthouse Trails has been warning about for the past seven years is already here! Even the most hardened skeptic would have to acknowledge that something dramatic and unprecedented has taken place.
“David Lynch Foundation Bullies Anti-TM Webcast Offline”
by Watcher’s Lamp
In anticipation of the David Lynch Foundation’s star-studded benefit concert to promote Transcendental Meditation in public schools, cult recovery expert John Knapp organized a no-cost webcast, TELL TM, HANDS OFF OUR SCHOOLS! that was scheduled to take place April 2, 2009. Panelists included University of So. Carolina sociologist and researcher Dr. Barry Markovsky, and Dr. Meera Nanda, author of Prophets Facing Backward.
Here’s the details from the Knapp Family Counseling website:
Join us for a free Web Event, April 2, 8 pm EST, to learn a side of the Transcendental Meditation story they won’t tell you.
Concerned scientists question research claiming benefits. Former members allege secret agendas. Clergy are unsure if TM contradicts their religion.
In this atmosphere, the David Lynch Foundation sponsors Paul McCartney & Friends in concert April 4, 2009. Reminding many of Tom Cruise’s marketing for Scientology.
DLF states this “World Harmony Concert” will raise millions to introduce “TM/Quiet Time” into public schools.
We believe this violates the separation of Church & State. Many consider meditation valuable. Our concern is religious meditation forms do not belong in public schools.
On the eve of the webcast, General Counsel for the David Lynch Foundation contacted John Knapp and warned of potential legal action against Knapp and the panelists. Click here to read this entire article.
Critics of Teaching Children Transcendental Meditation Are Threatened