5 Reasons Why Corporate America Is Abandoning DEI

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes.

By Casey Chalk
The Federalist

DEI is a calamitous, insidious evil that, if not systematically expunged from American institutions, will destroy them and us.

Aslew of companies in the last year have backtracked on their “diversity, equity, and inclusion” initiatives. McDonald’s and Meta were the most recent to fall, with activist Robby Starbuck claiming credit for persuading Mickey D’s to abandon DEI because diversity quotas discriminate against white applicants and diversity goals punish companies not sufficiently “diverse.” As the Los Angeles wildfire catastrophe shows, diverting funds to DEI causes can also result in less money for essential services such as firefighting.

These accusations against DEI are accurate and reason enough to end their influence over corporate America and federal, state, and local governments. But as someone who recently completed his employer’s DEI training, I can tell you DEI is much, much worse than a system that, ironically, is prejudicial against whites, males, and “cisgenders.” It is a calamitous, insidious evil that, if not systematically expunged from American institutions, will destroy them and us. Click here to continue reading.

(photo from Pexels – Free stockphotos)

2 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why Corporate America Is Abandoning DEI

  1. Informative and thought provoking article worthy of our time to read and understand. Let us also pray that the title is actually true.

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