By Olivier Melnick
Shalom in Messiah
In January of 1945, The Death Camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated. What should have been a harsh lesson learned by humanity has slowly eroded and is running the risk of becoming what the late French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen called “a hiccup of history.” The torture, bloodshed, and ashes of the Holocaust should remain a scar on the face of humanity, but not an open wound upon which more salt is thrown.
I will never apologize for reminding people about the horrors of the Holocaust. Sure, it probably has something to do with the loss of my maternal grandfather, Maurice Weinzveig, at Auschwitz in 1942. May his memory be a blessing! But it goes way beyond my loss and should hit a nerve with people of goodwill around the world, Jews and Gentiles alike. The memory must live on! Click here to continue reading.
Also by Olivier Melnick:
“Zionism” Completely Redefined by Wikipedia— Now Demonizes Israel!