Lighthouse Trails Publishing News

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Many people ask us where they can get the books that we publish. While we do have an online store that is available, the books can also be purchased by various ministries as well as ordered through most bookstores, online or walk in. Also, if you would like to see any of our books carried in your local library, just ask your librarian to get the title(s) you want. Libraries can order our books through Baker & Taylor.

A partial list of ministries that carry Lighthouse Trails books:

The Lighthouse Trails Publishing store

Cutting Edge Ministries

Olive Tree Ministries

MacGregor Ministries (Canada)

Understand the Times (Canada & US)

Christian Witness Ministries (Australia)

Freedom Ministries International (United Kingdom)

The Berean Call

For more information:

A List of all our Books and DVDs

Our New Releases Coming Soon

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