Search Results for: Calvary Chapel

Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Leader Dismisses Israel’s Present Right to Their Homeland!

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. By Emergent Watch In the latest example of the errors of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa leadership – Brian Broderson – currently co-pastoring with his son Char Brodersen – let’s…

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Letter to the Editor: Dismayed With a Calvary Chapel Church Pushing Calvinism Through New City Catechism

LTRJ Note: We are posting this letter to the editor, not as a criticism of all Calvary Chapel churches, but to express our deep concern that an increasing number of Calvary Chapels are turning to Calvinism, something their founder would…

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Letter to the Editor: Calvary Chapel, Calvinism (And Created to Choose and Reason)

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I would like to thank you for your continuing ministry particularly with regards to warning about Calvinism. I left a Calvary Chapel due in part with the leader and his ongoing support of Brian Brodersen who is…

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Warren B. Smith New YouTube Channel, Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel, and Purpose Driven

  Former New Age follower and Lighthouse Trails author Warren B. Smith has a new YouTube channel created by Chris Lawson of Spiritual Research Network. Lawson will be adding numerous talks over the next several weeks that Smith has given…

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Letter to the Editor: More Concerns Re: Calvary Chapel Pastors and Discernment Ministries

LTRP Note: We are posting this, not to single out Calvary Chapel as this is a problem in most denominations today, but rather to once again illustrate why discerning Christians (like many of you who read LT) are having such…

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Letter to the Editor: Calvary Chapel Pastor Condemns Discernment Ministries

Dear Lighthouse Trails: Below you will find a link to a message preached at Calvary Chapel Lone Mountain in Las Vegas, NV.  Please start at the 1:10:00 mark.  This is very concerning to me!!!  Many people are now leaving this…

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Review of The Good Shepherd Calls by a Calvary Chapel Pastor

The Good Shepherd Calls: An Urgent Message for the Last-Days Church – Lighthouse Trails I am blessed to have read this book, it’s refreshing. It is so good to hear the truth being told. This man, Roger Oakland, is the…

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Caryl Matrisciana Celebration of Life Memorial To Be Held on January 14th at Calvary Chapel Cypress

A Celebration of Life memorial service for Caryl Matrisciana will be held on January 14th, 2017 at Calvary Chapel Cypress in Cypress, California at 12pm (PST). The memorial will be live-streamed from the church website: You may visit the…

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The Calvary Chapel Association Announces Complete Separation from Brian and Cheryl Brodersen, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, and the Calvary Chapel Global Network

Understand the Times, International posted the following letter yesterday (November 28th) that was sent out worldwide to  Calvary Chapel Pastors by the Calvary Chapel Association. November 28, 2016 Calvary Chapel Pastors, Pastor Chuck Smith chose a group of men to…

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The Calvary Chapel Movement and the Sinking of the Titanic

By Roger Oakland Understand the Times, International Recently, a letter posted by the Calvary Chapel Association (CAA) was signed by fourteen senior pastors and sent out to clarify what the Calvary Chapel movement represents. This letter has been widely circulated…

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Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Splits From Association, Citing Old Testament Prophet

LTRP Note: Posted for informational and research purposes and not as an endorsement of the source or the content. By Jessilyn Justice Charisma Calvary Chapel’s Chuck Smith’s son-in-law Brian Brodersen announced his resignation from the Calvary Chapel Association and founded…

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The Hijacking of the Calvary Chapel Movement into the Coming One-World Religion

By Roger Oakland Understand the Times The commentary you are about to read has been written with much prayer and thought. I have not written it impulsively or with ill motive but rather believe God has compelled me to testify…

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