Castles in the Sand visits Thomas Merton and Richard Foster

by John Lanagan My Word Like Fire Thus far Castles in the Sand, the novel by Carolyn Greene, has visited some strange places. The book  first journeyed to a friendly neighborhood labyrinth, and was left at the entrance. Shortly thereafter the book visited an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, where it was given to a surprised AA member.  The meeting, held in the … [Read more…]

Richard Foster Keynote Speaker at International Christian Retail Show

LTRP Note: As a vast of number of the large and medium size Christian publishing houses continue releasing book after book on contemplative prayer, spiritual formation, the emerging church, and the new spirituality, it isn’t too surprising that the International Christian Retail Show would feature contemplative pioneer Richard Foster as the keynote speaker this year. … [Read more…]

Richard Foster’s Celebration of Deception

by Bob DeWaay Twin City Fellowship In February 2008, Christianity Today ran a glowing cover story about Evangelicalism’s recent embrace of medieval Roman Catholic mysticism entitled The Future lies in the Past.1 The article traced the beginning of the movement as follows: “The movement seems to have exploded in a 24-month period in 1977-1978, which … [Read more…]

Richard Foster’s Legacy Endures – Christian Leaders Help to Make it So

If there is one person who could be considered the “father” of the present evangelical “spiritual formation” movement, that person is Richard Foster. And in spite of the non-biblical, mystical-promoting foundation of the spiritual formation movement, Foster continues to be touted, promoted, and looked up to by evangelical leaders, pastors, and professors. This article hopes … [Read more…]

Richard Foster “Retirement Party” – Stepping Back at Renovare

On July 31, 2008, a Retirement Party was held for Richard Foster, author of Celebration of Discipline. According to correspondence with a Renovare (Foster’s organization) Coordinator, Foster is “stepping back from active leadership at RENOVARE,” in order to “spend more time writing.” First published in 1978, Celebration of Discipline has had a massive influence on … [Read more…]

The Denver Post – Richard Foster: “the pioneer among Protestants”

A Denver Post article “Filling spiritual voids, not just pews” is subtitled “Richard Foster’s treatise on disciplined faith turns 30,” speaking of Foster’s now 30-year-old Celebration of Discipline. Howard Baker, a professor at Denver Seminary says: “He’s definitely the pioneer among Protestants.” Foster’s book has now sold 2.5 million copies, with over half of those … [Read more…]

Reiki, Thomas Merton, and Richard Foster

by Ray Yungen  A mystical pragmatism is growing particularly fast through various New Age healing techniques. One such procedure is called Reiki (pronounced ray-key), a Japanese word that translates to Universal Life Energy or God energy. It has also been referred to as the radiance technique. Reiki is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist healing system, rediscovered … [Read more…]