Search Results for: atonement
In the Summer 2015 Journal of the Southern Baptist Convention, an article titled “Great Awakening” states: Thousands of messengers at the 2015 Southern Baptist Convention knelt in prayer and raised their hands to heaven July 16 as they prayed for…
By Maria Kneas (author of How to Prepare for Hard Times and Persecution | Lighthouse Trails | 2015) [C]hoose you this day whom ye will serve . . . but as for me and my house, we will serve the…
In case you still aren’t sure about William Paul Young and his book The Shack—in case you still have some doubts as to whether Young is really of a New Age/New Spirituality persuasion—in case after reading articles at Lighthouse Trails…
Lighthouse Trails has been tracking Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries for many year now, documenting the steady decline into apostasy as the majority of them have now begun to embrace contemplative spirituality through their Spiritual Formation programs. You can read…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I was wondering if you have any info on Bethke’s latest book, Jesus > Religion, or know of anyone who has done a review on it? All I need to know is that Mark Driscoll endorsed it…
By Roger Oakland As the world continues to plunge into further darkness and despair, “new” spirituality leaders say it is the church’s fault, particularly that of rigid Christians who won’t bend their beliefs or convictions. While Christians certainly are not without sin,…
What is the Gospel? by Harry A. Ironside is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off retail. Our Booklets are designed…
By David Dombrowski Editor at Lighthouse Trails The church of today is very much astir. Everywhere we turn, embellishments are being added to Christianity as if to improve it. The old ways do not seem to satisfy anymore. A great influx…
By Harry A. Ironside He preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection . . . And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: because he hath appointed a day, in…
LTRP Note: After posting this article by C.H. Fisher, we received an e-mail from a father whose daughter attended the IF: Gathering. Please read the e-mail below plus our response: To whom it may concern: I want to state that…
LTRP Note: This past week, a caller to LT asked if we knew anything about the IF: Gathering with emergent Ann Voskamp. At the time, we had not heard of the conference. “Co-incidentally,” this weekend, C.H. Fisher of Truthkeepers, one…
In Chuck Swindoll’s book, Wisdom for the Way, in a section titled “Segments of Solitude” (p. 14), Swindoll states: “Henri Nouwen called solitude . . . ‘the furnace of transformation.’” A LT article, “Why Christian Leaders Should Not Promote Henri…