Mysticism on the March Again — Mantra-Based Book Offered to Calvary Chapel Pastors

At the recent Calvary Chapel Senior Pastors Conference in Murrieta, California, attending pastors were each given gift bags that contained an assortment of books, teaching CDs, and other items. At least some of the bags contained a copy of a book written by David Timms, a professor at Hope International University who puts an emphasis … [Read more…]

Gordon College in MA Brings Emerging Contemplative Spirituality to Students

Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts is a non-denominational college founded in 1889 to train Protestant missionaries. It has approximately 2000 students from 40 states and 23 countries. Unfortunately, the school has now been added to a growing list of Christian colleges that incorporate contemplative spirituality into their schools’ programs and students’ lives. In the case … [Read more…]

“Emergent” or “Emerging”? Makes No Difference – Going in the Same Direction – Away from Truth toward Deception

It was Shakespeare who said a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. In the case of the “new spirituality” that has pervaded so much of Christianity, emergent church by any other name is just as harmful. While some are saying they are not “emergent” but are emerging, the overall beliefs (and mission) … [Read more…]

“Death by Church” – Emergent New Paradigm Pastor to Speak at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa

Emerging/emergent spirituality is making serious inroads into Christianity. Churches and Christian colleges, unaware of the subtle undermining of such spirituality, are embracing teachers and leaders of this movement and pointing others to them. Often they are unaware of what these teachers really believe and teach. In light of an event (Movement 2009) scheduled to take … [Read more…]

2009 National Youth Workers Convention Should be Avoided

The 2009 National Youth Workers Convention will take place this coming Fall in three major US cities. The conference is presented annually by Youth Specialties. As we have stated before, this is one youth worker convention that should be avoided. Attendees will receive a hearty dose of contemplative/emerging spirituality. Books, DVDs, seminars, and more will … [Read more…]

“US priest who became a ‘Christian Muslim’ is defrocked “

LTRP Note: The following out-of-house news story is a follow up of our June 18, 2007 article “Episcopal Priest: ‘I Am Both Muslim and Christian’ — OK With Emerging Church.” We have posted our 2007 article below this current one because of its relevancy. “US priest who became a ‘Christian Muslim’ is defrocked” By Ecumenical … [Read more…]

LifeWay Stores Erroneously Tells Customers Lighthouse Trails Books “Out of Print”

Lighthouse Trails would like to alert its readers that LifeWay Christian Stores has been informing interested customers that Lighthouse Trails books are “discontinued” or “out of print.” LifeWay Stores is the bookstore arm of the Southern Baptist Convention and has over 150 walk-in stores and a popular online store. Concerned customers have contacted Lighthouse Trails … [Read more…]

What is the Spiritual Formation Movement and Why is it Unbiblical?

by Roger Oakland Spiritual Formation: A movement that has provided a platform and a channel through which contemplative prayer is entering the church. Find spiritual formation being used, and in nearly every case you will find contemplative spirituality. In fact, contemplative spirituality is the heartbeat of the spiritual formation movement. When I first began writing … [Read more…]

“The First Ever Catholic-Emergent Conference” Erroneously Advertised

On March 20-22, what is being called “the first-ever Catholic-Emergent conference” will take place. The name of the conference is The Emerging Church: Conversations, Convergence and Action. Spencer Burke, of the Ooze, calls it “one of the magical moments in this movement of God.”1 The event is being erroneously advertised as a meeting of Catholic … [Read more…]

Rick Warren “Annoyed” with Those Who Challenge Him – Serving Two Masters Not Working

A SPECIAL LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS COMMENTARY A recent USA Today article, “Saddleback founder Warren driven to expand his reach,” begins by asking the question “Could California pastor Rick Warren possibly be everywhere at once?.” The article mentions Warren’s global travels, while promoting his Purpose Driven Peace Plan and the recently launched Peace Coalition. The question that … [Read more…]

Warning: Evangelical Leaders Give Credibility to Emerging Church Conference

In February of 2009, Zondervan publishers will present the annual National Pastors Convention in San Diego, California. This conference, which was founded by emerging church pioneer, Youth Specialties, is a conduit for contemplative mysticism and emerging spirituality. While most of the speakers at each year’s event fall within the alternative emerging church camp, the conference … [Read more…]

Brian McLaren’s Hope for the Future – The Minds of Your Grandchildren

Brian McLaren’s newest book, Finding Our Way Again: The Return of the Ancient Practices, is the first in a series of eight books by Thomas Nelson publishers. The General Editor of the series, which is titled The Ancient Practices Series, is emerging church proponent Phyllis Tickle. Other authors in the series include Dan Allender, Scot … [Read more…]

The Dangers of Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Disciplines

A Critique of Dallas Willard and The Spirit of the Disciplines by Bob DeWaay Practices called “spiritual disciplines” that are deemed necessary for “spiritual formation” have entered evangelicalism. Recent encounters with this teaching narrated to me by friends caused me to investigate these practices. The first experience involved my friend and co-worker Ryan Habbena who … [Read more…]

Zondervan Introduces Contemplative Leighton Ford

LTRP Note: We are posting the following notice by Zondervan publishing regarding Leighton Ford and his new book, The Attentive Life. The book offers a collection of quotes by and references to some of the most prolific eastern-style meditation teachers, including Thomas Keating, David Steindl-Rast, Gerald May, Kathleen Norris, and atonement rejector and Episcopal priest … [Read more…]

New Age Sympathizer Leonard Sweet to Speak at Seventh Day Adventist Conference

The 4th Annual National Conference on Innovation, sponsored by the Ohio Conference of Seventh Day Adventists, will take place in October in Columbus, Ohio and will feature New Age sympathizer/emerging futurist Leonard Sweet. On the conference website, it states: Partners in Innovation is a convergence of people and organizations committed to providing the environment, encouragement, … [Read more…]

“First-Ever Catholic-Emergent Conference” Being Planned for 2009

The Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC), located in Albuquerque, New Mexico has announced the first emergent-Catholic conference to ever be held. The name of the conference is The Emerging Church: Conversations, Convergence and Action. On the Emergent Village website, where the event is being advertised, it states: “[T]his will be the first gathering to … [Read more…]