Search Results for: judson casjen

Guest Commentary: When It Comes to Calvinism, Are You Thinking For Yourselves or Blindly Following Others?

LTRP Note: As many of our readers know, in early 2018, Lighthouse Trails published a book titled Calvinism: None Dare Call It Heresy. Without question, it set off a firestorm upsetting many of the Calvinist persuasion. However, it also brought…

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When Will They Ever Learn?

By Judson Casjens Where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?Where have all the soldiers gone, long time ago?Where have all the soldiers gone?Gone to graveyards, everyone.Oh, when will they ever learn?Oh, when will they ever learn? So went…

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A Short Thought on Man’s Views Vs. God’s Views on Eternal Security

By Judson Casjens For many believers, the doctrines of foreknowledge, predestination, adoption, and election paint a completely distorted picture of God, at least from how God has revealed Himself within His Word.  Misunderstood biblical teaching always results in a misunderstanding…

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Calvinism Book: A Hornet’s Nest

By Judson Casjens Hornets are considered “social wasps,” and they build communal nests by chewing wood to make a papery pulp. Each nest has one queen, who lays eggs and is attended by workers who, while genetically female, cannot lay…

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Is Your Church Getting Stronger or Weaker?

By Judson Casjens Recently, I read the following letter: I was saved in 1973, and I have seen dramatic changes in Bible-believing churches over the past 44 years, and in the vast majority of cases, the changes have been for…

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Guest Commentary – Welcome to Rome!

By Judson Casjens Guest Commentary Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs poll, conducted May 3-7, 2017, found that a “leftward movement in perceptions of what is morally acceptable has been ongoing,” with a shift in 13 of 19 issues over time…

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