Search Results for: missionary alliance
LTRP Note: The following letter to the editor was written in response to our recent post “Letter to the Editor: Yoga at Our CMA Church in Canada Broke Our Hearts.” Dear Lighthouse Trails: I too was once in a C&MA…
Dear Editors at Lighthouse Trails: I stumbled onto your website while looking for a video from this year’s Alliance Council featuring John Stumbo. In your writings, you largely promote the idea the C&MA is espousing the emergent church, contemplative prayer,…
By L. Putnam The Christian and Missionary Alliance headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado now has a Healing Room Ministry established by Steve Peterson, a technology group employee of the CMA headquarter staff, trained by NAR Apostle Cal Pierce’s International Association of Healing Rooms, Spokane, Washington (IAHR). …
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I thought this link would interest you. The Western Canadian District of the C&MA in Canada is promoting (yet with a disclaimer!) a number of books that teach the practices of contemplative prayer. I was surprised to…
A Lighthouse Trails concerned reader has informed us that this month the Christian Missionary Alliance Mahaffey Family Camp has invited New Age sympathizer Leonard Sweet as a camp speaker. CMA has been going down the contemplative/emerging path for a long…
By L. Putnam Dr. Rob Reimer, pastor of the Christian & Missionary Alliance South Shore Community Church, adjunct professor at the Alliance Theological Seminary, and speaker at various conferences has authored a book: Pathways to the King: Living a Life…
Hello Lighthouse Trails: Greetings from Calgary, Alberta. We appreciate being a subscriber to your newsletter which has been beneficial in keeping us abreast of apostasy going on in the Body of Christ. I am providing this information to you at Lighthouse Trails Publishing regarding…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: Two and a half years ago the leadership of the Western PA District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance invited Ruth Haley Barton to speak to its pastors and lay delegates at its annual District Conference. I…
By L. Putnam What tool does Christian and Missionary Alliance Theological Seminary dean suggest as a great tech tool to help pastors deal with pressures in today’s church? The very unsettling “Unseminary” podcast: “Ron Walborn Provides Help to Leaders Dealing with the…
By the Editors at Lighthouse Trails Over the past several years, a number of our readers have asked us why we have not written about the theologian A.W. Tozer and warned our readers about his often quoting and referencing medieval-period…
As many of our readers know, Lighthouse Trails has been publishing a printed research journal since 2013. We started out with 6 issues a year and currently have 4 issues a year. These journals are 36-40 pages long and are…