Young also has Jesus flattering her to a point where it gets tacky and uncomfortable to read. Jesus in these communications sounds like a breathless love struck teen. Young has cast Jesus almost as a boy friend who says; “When you trustingly whisper My name, My aching ears are soothed.”
From Midwest Christian Outreach
Every believer should read and digest Warren Smith’s newest book, ”Another Jesus” Calling ( Warren Smith, Lighthouse Trails Publishing, Eureka, Montana, 2013, 174 pages, $12.95). It gives insight from a former New Ager about the way in which New Age thought and terminology is infiltrating and permeating the Christian church at large. Sadly it is all being done through publishers, book stores and books that are supposed to be Christian. The allure of these questionable books is often a veneer of Bible terms, a promise of deep inside information and the excitement of a current mystical trip with personal impressions and perhaps even voices from the beyond.
Jude 4 warns about those false teachers and spiritual counterfeiters who “secretly slip in”. The antidote of course is to “earnestly contend for the faith once delivered d to the saints”, (verse 3). John Benton’s statement is surely as true today as when Jude wrote; “The church was being corrupted by false teaching and false teachers. If the truth is lost or perverted then the devil will have halted the work of salvation”, (Slandering Angels The Message of Jude, Evangelical Press, England, 1999, page 54).
Warren Smith is a graduate of Tulane University and a former New Age insider and practitioner. He clearly understands the major mystical philosophies and themes being brought into the church today. Some of these masquerade as the voice of Jesus but upon biblical examination show themselves not to be what they claim but rather another voice from another place. Are we to look for voices or look at verses? One has to wonder if these experiences are fabricated, imagined or worse yet demonic. Click here to continue reading this book review.
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