One Comment

  1. Jeffry

    Is this Second Reformation of World Religion a New Normal? A New Spirituality of a Global Movement? An Emergent/Social Justice Reformation? We all have God within us? A Reformation without our Lord Jesus Christ? Most if not all of these People leading the way are Apostates to Gods Holy Word? Second Timothy 4:1-5 is our answer. The Apostle Paul sent this letter to Timothy fully knowing he was about to die for Christ’s sake. Paul had no fear, no regrets, and no compromise. He told this young preacher to preach the word. To look for opportunities to preach the Gospel. To reprove, rebuke and comfort and be long suffering with tenderness in teaching sound Doctrine. God’s word speaks to people. Some people do not like to hear God’s word. I remember a Gospel Meeting where a man was so mad at being called a “sinner” that he tore the hinges off the door as he stormed off! We are in spiritual warfare. People today want to find a good-feeling-all-the-time religion. Our enemy is the world, the flesh and the Devil. Faithfulness to truth can hurt sometimes. We all need to do the work of an Evangelist and have a shepherd’s heat. We all need to be praying for a world that has gone mad. Pray the Lord will guide our path. Time is running out.

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