Dear Editors, Writers, Bloggers & Everyone who contributes in any way, shape or form to Lighthouse Trails,
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the enormous work you have undertaken in defending the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ. The ministry that goes forth from your site is too large for me to comprehend. You are truly one of the few voices that dare speak the truth, and I am amazed by the grace and love that you exhibit in doing so.
I’ve read Faith Undone and A Time of Departing, and along with many articles on your site, have found them to be indispensable resources. I’ve been able to resolve “why” I was so uneasy with many authors/books and Bible studies/teachers over the last several years. However, a couple got by me momentarily last week when I ordered some books & perpetual calendars as gifts for relatives & friends – specifically Jesus Calling & God Calling. I Googled the titles, foolishly thinking that because everything seemed “good” in those searches & in the reviews on the Christian book site I was ordering from, that all was, well, “good.” While the orders were being prepared for shipment, the Holy Spirit kept tugging at my heart to continue looking. I went through my Bookmarks, pulled your site up, and within a few clicks, found the articles written on Another Jesus Calling. I felt ill. I called the Christian book site, and they were able to cancel the offensive products from an order being shipped to me. I am happy to say that they were also able to run to the shipping room & track down another order for my niece that was being boxed & pull that product as well. I failed to complete my due diligence in this instance, but Jesus had me covered!
What always astounds me – and should serve as a warning to ALL Christians – is how quickly one can be deceived the moment you let your guard down. 1 Peter 5:8, is a verse I’ve heard referenced many times pertaining to avoiding the temptation to sin, and I don’t disagree with that. But, in admonishing us to “be sober, be vigilant,” I picture the enemy and his insatiable appetite when it comes to devouring those that Jesus calls His own, through this great deception that has fallen over so many souls. Verse 9 refers to “resisting” [the devil], but many fail to see the importance of being “steadfast in the faith.” As you are aware, it takes great effort to truly know all that you believe and why, but so many are comfortable with being spoon fed the newest thing and never bothering to check anything out on their own. I pray for their eyes to be opened!
In Christ,
Sharon (not real name)
About That Jesus Calling – 10 Things You Might Not Know
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