Dear Lighthouse Trails,
The word ‘heretic’ is the translation in a few English versions of a retiken in Titus 3:10 which literally means “factious, causing divisions.” As you do not appear to be calling for love, tolerance, peace, forgiveness, and unity, in simply following Jesus as Lord and master – but
indeed attacking those who are; what does that word say about you?
Our response:
Titus 3:10: “A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject.”
The greek meaning (1) for the word heretick or divisive is: 1)fitted or able to take or choose a thing (as in a sect) 2)schismatic, factious, a follower of a false doctrine 3)heretic
Thus the meaning of this passage is talking about someone who separates himself by following a false doctrine, which leads to divisions. Titus 3:10 is not referring to believers who are defending the faith against false doctrine, but rather is referring to those who are leading many astray with false, heretical doctrines.
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