We posted the following article in 2007. It is written by Yogi Baba Prem, who is a Hindu Yogi, a Vedavisharada trained in the traditional gurukural system. Because Yoga is growing in popularity among Christians today, we decided to post this again. We hope that Christians who are considering Yoga will read this. And please read our own research and articles (see links below).
“There is no Christian Yoga.”
by Yogi Baba Prem
“It was quite astonishing to see on the flyer ‘Christian Yoga! This Thursday night….’ I could feel the wheels spinning in my brain. ‘Christian Yoga,’ I thought. Now while Christians can practice yoga, I am not aware of any Christian teachings about yoga. Yoga is not a Judeo/Christian word! It is not a part of the Roman Catholic teachings and certainly not a part of protestant teachings. It is not found within the King James Version of the bible. It is a Hindu word, or more correctly a Sanskrit word from the Vedic civilization. So how did we get ‘Christian Yoga’?
“From this I could conclude that ‘Christian Yoga’ could only indicate one of two possibilities:” Read more …
Some of our research on Yoga:
A Former New Age Follower Talks About “Christian Yoga”
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