A Note From Lighthouse Trails Author Caryl Matrisciana

LTRP Note: This week we were contacted by a long-time Lighthouse Trails reader who told us that her 55-year-old daughter (Cheryl) has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. The family is devastated. We asked Caryl Matrisciana who was diagnosed with terminal cancer about seven months ago and told she had six months to live, if she could share a little with us and this reader about what she was doing to fight her cancer and what books she found helpful. Caryl answered us today and gave us permission to post this letter to our readers. We know many of you are praying for her and often ask how she is doing.


Thanks for asking my book advice. Please thank your reader for her prayers! Prayer have been a strategic part of my healing: knowing hundreds from all over the world are praying for my cancer reduction or complete healing, and my continual pain problem have been an EXTREMELY positive input in my life and and an ESSENTIAL part of my healing! All the love has been a BLESSING indeed!

My totally most helpful cancer book in the latter days (as from this last month has been the Acid Alkaline Food Guide as I’ve really wanted to maintain the effect my PH levels have on my cancer. Cancer feeds on acid….. so to me this has been an important little book that I carry around in my purse and can check into during meals out, grocery shopping, etc.

My personal advise to anyone beginning the cancer learning curve is first, check what your cancer is and its journey in your body, et al…. In my case, my breast cancer had gone into my lymph-nodes and metastasized aggressively! I was stage 4  when I was diagnosed with terminal cancer, given only 6 months to live and was beyond surgery or chemo or radiation treatments. All that knowledge, needles to say was a total shock at first, came from left field, blind sided me and caught me at a loss for knowing how to start any type of recovery, and was recovery an option?

My first port of call OF COURSE was the Lord, His leading for my medical and wellness direction, His guidance in my research, His Mind in sorting through all the confusion and conflicting opinions, His Peace as I was going through all the choices open to me, His Healing in my innermost parts effected by the cancer, His Assurance that He was in control of it all, His Sufficiency in His Promises He as giving me through His Word, friends He sent me, information I got, and more……

So…….. first I had to build my immune system which was my #1 priority which I did (in addition to my cancer med)  through diet and supplements…. books most helpful in my diet/supplement regimes were:

Your Health – Your Choice (personal guide to wellness, nutrition, disease prevention) Dr. M. Ted Morter

Cancer – Step outside the Box – Ty Bollinger.…(a great guide to alternative approaches especially after my cancer beyond pharmaceutical and surgical treatments…..)

Beating Cancer with Nutrition: Optimal nutrition can improve outcome in medically-treated cancer patients: Patrick Quillin……

[LTRP Note: These books can be purchased from Amazon. In any book a Christian reads, always use discernment and pray for God’s wisdom and guidance. There are many books in the alternative health field that promote eastern meditation practices. To our knowledge, these three books do not do that and have excellent information on how to beat cancer.]

For me, this was important as I am on a pharmaceutical “new” treatment which has been approved by FDA only out for 20 months – while it’s a new treatment, which gratefully I’m responding to, it does has negative effects on white blood cells and my immune system so in my case, I need to have a strong nutrition regime and definitely an alkaline-forming diet).

Initially I did a lot of Internet research (at the beginning of my cancer diagnosis) on the pharmaceutic industry that was VERY shocking to learn! I also read various good books by doctors who had been in the traditional pharma-medicine industry and had now opted for alternatives – those books were lent to me, which I’ve since returned, and can’t remember their titles!

Being a journalist with a penchant for research, I met a dozen cancer victims (who I minimized to those who’d only had or still had breast cancer, I didn’t want to complicate matters learning about other types of cancer, as my breast cancer alone journey was confusing, frustrating, quite stressful and VERY overwhelming….

As stress too is a feed for cancer, I had to learn to let go of a lot of stress in my research, following up with stories and reports from well-intentioned people and more…..

For me the most difficult part of my journey was that weeks before cancer diagnosis, I’d been involved in a near-fatal bike accident and surgeries and stress related trauma which had weakened my immune system. Sleepless nights due to MUCH continual pain added to the stress because GOOD sleep is essential for healing. To try to remedy this, I took many different kinds of pain meds which all had horribly disturbing side-effects adding to stress and my personal health recovery. So, good eating, plenty of targeted supplements and remedies for SLEEP were essential for me…..

One remedy I’ve found particularly helpful has been continual exercise however I can get it! A personal trainer helping with gym work for strength a couple of times a week, 3 times a week on the tennis court and as much bike riding as I can do. Walking aggravates my bulged disc injury, knee surgery, and left leg damaged nerves. Exercise stimulates endorphin essential in helping pain management so I try keeping on keeping on!

Caryl Matrisciana
Caryl Matrisciana

I hope all this helps your reader, and if you want to post this info, feel free to use it to help others….. this has been my personal regime for my personal breast cancer. If my personal journey is helpful to others, GREAT!

Much love, Caryl

A P.S. from Caryl:

A correction for your letter you posted from me!  On May 1st, oncologist gave me a six months to live verdict which ends on the end of this month October!

November 1st will be the proof of answered prayers, promises fulfilled, miracles seen, God’s Mighty Hand of Grace, His Loving Kindness, His Faithful Mercies, Tender Love, and more… Well worth a grateful praise!

In appreciation of His Testimony
