By Warren B. Smith
Disregarding Danger
AFTER the Titanic collided with the iceberg, and with water flooding into the bowels of the vessel, some of the passengers frolicked in an almost party-like atmosphere around the estimated two tons of ice that had spilled out onto the foredeck of the already sinking ship. Several hours later, some of those involved in the merrymaking would be fighting for their lives in the freezing Atlantic Ocean.
So-called modern-day “revivals,” like the Toronto Blessing with its “holy laughter” and party-like atmosphere, are reminiscent of the Titanic passengers who, unaware of the disaster unfolding around them, wanted to join in all “the fun.” . . .
Partying with God?
. . . Rick Warren
In a January 29, 2020 church e-mail framed with the heading “Time to Dream” and titled “The Power and Purpose of Parties!,” Rick Warren was acknowledging Saddleback’s 40th anniversary party that had just been held at their church. It had also been a celebration for Warren’s forty years of ministry.
Warren used his e-mail to present a mini-Bible study on “The Power and Purpose of Parties!” He said that Jesus was so into partying that today’s “Pharisees” would call Jesus “a party animal.” Rick Warren’s effort to present Jesus as a big “party” person seemed more than strange. But not to Rodney Howard-Browne, Randy Clark, Brian McLaren, and other church leaders who also portray “Jesus” as a last days “party” person. Click here to read this entire article and for endnotes.
I’m reminded of Isaiah chapter 53.
“He is despised and rejected by men,
A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.”
(Isaiah 53:3)
rick warren and countless others wolves in sheeps clothing. matthew7-15. will be like matthew 7-22, the end result jesus will say i never knew you.
Thank you Jen. We appreciate you and your various comments on this blog.
Editors: I didn’t mean to make a sweeping, generalized statement about mega churches as I have attended many excellent ones that are preaching the whole counsel of God. I should have prefaced with those that are ‘Seeker Sensitive’. When the Gospel isn’t preached but only an ear tickling ‘sermon’ followed by an invitation to come forward then the end result of false conversion.
Pray for all of the Gospel Preachers, the street preachers, the Missionaries and the newly saved Christian that is on fire for the Lord. Pray that the Lord will protect them while their is is still time to see souls saved. America is in great danger of losing our freedoms, Constitution and way of life. Satan wants our souls and he iwants our obedience and worship. He is making his move to change Gods Creation that will worship him. Pray And tell the world about The Love of God. (John 3:16) oh how He loves us! Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Of course, altar calls, in and of themselves, are not wrong, nor are mega churches (in and of themselves); but if the Gospel is not presented, as you stated, then true conversion may not happen. The problem here isn’t about altar calls or size of churches (which can be good or bad) but about whether God’s Word is taught and the Gospel is preached.
Well unfortunately, this is how I have observed altar calls in mega churches. It has nothing to do with substitutionary atonement, repentance and grace but everything to do with the attitude of ‘come join the party’ thus creating a multitude of false converts.
Excellent article.
Im starting to see this reality more and more in these last days. Many seem to be sleeping.
Party on, dudes. Let’s see where it gets you. We’ll be watching.