A Pastor & Rosenberg-Supporter Pleads: Please Don’t Go to Break Forth

Special Commentary
Relating to a Recent Lighthouse Trails Report
Pastor Adam Gislason

This is a hard blog for me to write and let me clearly state that this isn’t just about Joel Rosenberg. This blog is about all Christian leaders who are participating in the Break Forth Canada Conference January 29-31, 2010 and other similar conferences who are justifying sharing the pulpit with false teachers and who are promoting these conferences on their websites and blogs as “Christian Conferences.”

 I first heard Joel Rosenberg at Jan Markell’s “Understanding The Times” conference at Grace Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota a few years ago. Since that time I have followed Joel’s ministry closely and have read some of his books including Dead Heat, Epicenter and Inside The Revolution. I have also posted many of his books and blogs on our website as well as creating a link to the Joshua Fund which Great Adventure Ministries contributes to on a monthly basis. I have greatly appreciated Joel, his ministry and his discernment on current events as they relate to Bible prophecy-particularly pertaining to the defense of Israel in the last days. Click here to continue reading this commentary.