A Special Testimonial Letter from the Orphan Girls in Kenya

LTRP Note: The following is a letter from the 12 orphaned girls who live in Kenya at the Bryce Home #12. The homes are supported by Understand the Times and Lighthouse Trails readers. Many of you have donated, and we thought you would want to read this letter that we just received from Pastor Achilla, the director of this mission work. You can learn more about the work at our website, Missions for Truth in Kenya.

* Except for some minor editing (capitalization, spacing, etc), this is the letter as we received it.

Some of the girls when they first arrived.

Dear sponsors,

We collectively greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We, the Bryce Home #12 (Girls’Center)  in Kenya take this humble opportunity to say thanks to our sponsors from LT and UTT.

Each one of us at least now has a story to tell concerning our lives at this center. We recall how our backgrounds were dark but now have begun seeing the rays of light in a godly atmosphere. This letter cites various observations in form of testimonies collectively put under the following sub headings:

1.Improved spiritual status.

Hyrene from Bryce #12

Most of us, all most, had no fear of God and this could be realized when we were new at the center. Some of us had uncontrolled anger, disrespect among other vices.

Through the mercy of God, we were exposed to the True Gospel of Jesus Christ and sound doctrines.This truth was received through the servant of God Pastor Achilla and his team as well as from Roger and Byron who visited us and exposed us to the TRUTH.

We are so grateful for the donation of King James Versions Bible by the LT as this has played a pivotal role in our spiritual  nourishement. At the same time we thank God for our teacher, Lukio, who is a true born again Christian who has always taught the word of God.

2. Access to Upper Grade Education

It is worth noting that most of us had lost hope after acquiring lower grade education and were therefore destined for early marriages as it had been the norm in most communities in Kenya. These communities view education of girls as a waste of time and resources.

Today we thank the Almighty God for proving this society wrong by opening a door for us as young women to proceed to the upper grade education and now long to grow in FAITH to be able to serve God effectively.

Provision of books, pens and the equipment of our classroom  has also made us to be a knotch higher in education and we give ALL the glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Improved Nutrition

Lavender from Bryce #12

Accoding to the word of God in the book of James 1;27 ( KJV ), we are very grateful for what God has done to ensure we get our daily bread through the dear readers / donors. May the Lord Jesus favor the UTT and the LT readers since their donations have moulded us to live as the Fisrt Church of Acts 4;32 (KJV), by sharing whatever the Lord provides for us as the body of Christ.

4. Improved Health Conditions

Most of us recall how we narrowlly escaped the ills of the society such Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) where we were treated as beasts. Also to mention is the act of forced child labour we so suffered. Access to medication used to be a dream and malnutrition claimed the largest share of our lives. A number of us are not afraid to say that poor health conditions and STI related diseases (e.g HIV/AIDS) robbed us of our beloved parents.

Today we have a different story characterized by improved health care. We can now access medication, receive sanitary towels, soaps, cosmetics among others.

5. Improved Clothing

We also thank the Almighty God who has the hearts of readers/ donors to enable us be dressed up in full school uniform (blouses, skirts, shoes and socks). This has inspired many people in the community hence glory to our Lord Jesus.

6. Shelter and Bedding

The dorm building where the 12 girls sleep.

We cannot fail to testify of our centre dormitory (Bryce Home # 12) which has kept us from cold and harsh weather conditions. Also included are the mattresses, blankets and mosquito nets therein.

We still trust in the Lord Jesus for the future expansion of the building to increase the dormitory space.

7. Physical Fitness

Our sporting activities are not left behind. We have been blessed to have a female sports teacher with an outstanding sporting character and talent. Through her, we have been able to maintain physical fitness through playing soccer, netball, volleyball and even athletics. We still trust in the Lord for the provision of sport shoes, games kit, first aid kit and other sporting paraphenalia.

8. Agricultural Project

We are so proud of our Bryce Home # 12 Farm where most of us have learnt to be productive in the cultivation of maize. It was so interesting for us to see the fruits of our labour. We are convicted that this centre is moulding us to become self reliant in the future. Currently we have embarked on horticulture and we are really finding it interesting.

9. Art Work

The girls in their uniforms

Also worth noting is the recent training we have engaged in to learn the art of weaving baskets using recycled polythene papers. Through our talented matron, Betty, we have learnt to become instrumental in environmental conservation.

In conclusion, we therefore give thanks to the brethren who have stood with us through donations and prayers to make us be a people, what we once longed for.

Thank you and may God bless LT, UTT, Deborah, Roger, Byron, Pam Smith, our director (Pastor Achilla), Nelson, Walter and our teachers for their dedication to our lives.

Yours faithfully in Christ





LTRP Note: Below is a slideshow we put together of Bryce Home #12.

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