Activist: Judge’s ‘sexual proclivity’ compromised Prop. 8 ruling

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Charlie Butts, Fred Jackson, and Chris Woodward – OneNewsNow

On Wednesday, a judge struck down California’s same-sex “marriage” ban as a violation of the civil rights of homosexuals, but a pending appeal of the landmark ruling could prevent same-gender weddings from resuming in the state any time soon.
Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker overturned the voter-approved ban known as Proposition 8 Wednesday, declaring that limiting marriage to a man and a woman serves no legitimate purpose and is an “artifact” rooted in “unfounded stereotypes and prejudices.”
While the ruling affects only California, the appeal will go to the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which has jurisdiction over nine Western states. Walker said he would consider waiting for the Ninth Circuit to render its decision before he makes his opinion final and requires the state to stop enforcing the ban. The judge ordered both sides to submit written arguments by Friday on the issue.  

Judge should have recused himself
On two separate occasions, voters in The Golden State declared traditional marriage as the law of the state — once as a state statute and then as a constitutional amendment. Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for the American Family Association, calls Walker’s decision a tyrannical, abusive, and utterly unconstitutional display of judicial arrogance — and argues that members of Congress should immediately launch impeachment proceedings against Walker. Click here to continue reading.

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