“All of President Biden’s Key Executive Orders — in One Chart


I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.—Jesus (John 17:15-16)

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes as we strive to live in the world, but “not of the world” in these days.

Source: Biden administration, Biden transition team

SubjectType of actionDate
Re-engage with World Health OrganizationEnd withdrawal processJan. 20
Create position of COVID-19 response coordinatorExecutive orderJan. 20
Rejoin Paris climate agreementSign an “instrument”Jan. 20
Revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline, pause energy leasing in ANWRExecutive orderJan. 20
Ask agencies to extend eviction/foreclosure moratoriumsRequestJan. 20
Ask Education Dept. to extend student-loan pauseRequestJan. 20
Launch an initiative to advance racial equity, end “1776 Commission”Executive orderJan. 20
Revoke order that aims to exclude undocumented immigrants from censusExecutive orderJan. 20
Preserve/fortify DACA, which helps “Dreamers”MemorandumJan. 20
Require masks/distancing on all federal property and by federal workersExecutive orderJan. 20
Reverse travel ban targeting primarily Muslim countriesExecutive orderJan. 20
Stop construction of border wallProclamationJan. 20
Combat discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identityExecutive orderJan. 20
Require ethics pledge for executive-branch personnelExecutive orderJan. 20
Modernize and improve regulatory reviewMemorandumJan. 20
End “harsh and extreme immigration enforcement”Executive orderJan. 20
Extend protection from deportation for Liberians in U.S.MemorandumJan. 20
Revoke certain executive orders concerning federal regulationExecutive orderJan. 20
Freeze any new or pending regulationsMemorandumJan. 20
Fill supply shortfalls in fight vs. COVID-19 with Defense Production Act, other measuresExecutive orderJan. 21
Increase FEMA reimbursement to states for National Guard, PPEMemorandumJan. 21
Establish “COVID-19 Pandemic Testing Board,” expand testingExecutive orderJan. 21
Bolster access to COVID-19 treatments and clinical careExecutive orderJan. 21
Improve collection/analysis of COVID-related dataExecutive orderJan. 21
Mount vaccination campaign amid goals such as 100 million shots in 100 daysDirectivesJan. 21
Provide guidance on safely reopening schoolsExecutive orderJan. 21
OSHA guidance for keeping workers safe from COVID-19Executive orderJan. 21
Require face masks at airports, other modes of transportationExecutive orderJan. 21
Establish a “COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force”Executive orderJan. 21
Support international response to COVID-19, “restore U.S. global leadership”DirectiveJan. 21
Ask agencies to boost food aid, improve delivery of stimulus checksExecutive orderExpected Jan. 22
Restore collective bargaining power for federal workersExecutive orderExpected Jan. 22

(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)

6 thoughts on ““All of President Biden’s Key Executive Orders — in One Chart

  1. It’s no wonder that the Dem ‘powers’ were trying to find anything to rid the country of Trump. They had to pocket their plans for America’s demise for 4 years–a long, itchy wait for them.
    Now they bury Mike Lindell in his own pillows??? It’s supposed to be a ‘free’ market’.
    We need more info from the likes of Hillsdale and Zion’s Fire . I predict that we have one more Christmas before that will be ripped to shreds. Happy days are here again–for those who set this current stuff aglow. Some in Congress have been bought out, TV has one channel to get truth. This is going fast!

  2. First thing’s first. The Democrats make a unconstitutional attempt to impeach former President Trump again. Will they never stop blaming Trump for everything? Then HR1- Democrats want the Federal Government to take over all Presidential Elections using mail-in ballots. ID check for voters? Not really. Voter fraud will be worse than the 2020 election. Will the Democrats ever lose power? The Pandemic will go on and on. President Biden’s Administration staff looks like former President Obama’s staff. Pray for wisdom and keep looking up.

  3. Excellent comments. Just a few more comments. Abortion is not Healthcare Mr. President. Transgender men can compete against girls in sports even if they are not finished taking all of their treatments. Is that fair? Limit free speech? More taxes for all of us. Sadly, President Biden is putting Americans Last and his plan for Domestic Terrorists is unbelievable. Pray for our church and country, we are under attack!!!

  4. It turns out our VP is unvetted. Attended Stanford where her father was a prof. in economics, a Marxist and all that means. Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were their heroes. Lord, help America!

  5. Allowing all unvetted immigrants to enter at this time of lockdowns and Covid would devastate America, considering that some of these immigrants have tested positive for this virus and they would take jobs away from U.S. citizens who are hurting, having lost their businesses and jobs. Trump was trying to protect U.S. citizens, but his attempts are unraveling before our eyes. Some of these men may belong to MS-13 or be trafficers or terrorists, we just do not know. David Horowitz, who wrote Dark Agenda believes the left is trying to destroy Christian America. Many American citizens are in mourning to see this happen.

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