1. GP

    The Bible has always been considered “hate speech” because it brings a spotlight onto the ungodly and exposes their foolishness. Now that we have the “Equality Act”, just about anything spoken to anyone may be considered “hate speech.” This is the rise of the anti-Christ system being revealed before our eyes. I do agree with Jeffry concerning Communism because it’s main goal is to silence anything that opposes it. Going back to the “Equality Act”, we are seeing how diversity, inclusion and equality is now front and center. This is also called collectivism and it’s gaining ground in a lot of businesses. Sadly, the well-educated cannot see how they are being taken for a ride that will erase whatever little rights they have left. We as believers need to keep praying without ceasing.

  2. Jeffry

    What is Hate Speech? Anything that Big -Tech and Democrats say it is? And of course sometimes they ignore violations when politically convenient for them. Should the “1619 Project “ that is being taught in schools saying white people fought England so they could keep their black slaves not only Hate Speech but a lie? What about the attacks on Christianity at every turn not Hate Speech? When Communists begin to take over a Country the first thing they do is silence freedom of speech. We Christians need to understand what is happening to our Country. Christians need to pray and Preach the Gospel in love. For God so loved the world!

  3. Elizabeth Bennett

    When Obama was President the Bible was considered hate speech. We are going back to those days.

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