America Sends Mennonite Pastor to Prison For Protecting Child Against Homosexual Abuse

LTRP Note: For 6 years, Lighthouse Trails has been following the story of homosexual-turned-Christian-believer, Lisa Miller and her young daughter, Isabella.

“Pastor Convicted of Helping Ex-Lesbian Flee Country With Daughter Ordered to Report to Prison”

By Heather Clark
Christian News Network

BURLINGTON, Vt. — A Mennonite pastor who was convicted of providing assistance to an ex-lesbian who fled the country with her daughter has been ordered to report to prison next month after losing his appeal.

As previously reported, Kenneth Miller of Stuarts Draft, Virginia was convicted in August 2012 for helping Lisa Miller (no relation) and her young daughter Isabella travel to Buffalo, New York, where they crossed the border into Canada and then escaped to Nicaragua.

The situation began in 2000, when Lisa Miller, then a homosexual, joined in a civil union with lesbian Janet Jenkins in the state of Vermont. Following an artificial insemination procedure, Miller gave birth to baby Isabella in 2002. Click here to continue reading.


Chronicle of Our Coverage on the Lisa/Isabella Miller Situation:

January 2010: Lesbian-Turned-Christian Mom Fails to Give Up Child to Ex-Partner

January 2010: Lesbian ‘mother’ case presents constitutional issue

January 2010: Vermont Judge Threatens Mother in Hiding With Arrest

March 2010: Former Lesbian, Lisa Miller – Friends Say They Support Her Decision to Go into Hiding with Daughter

December 2011: FBI Arrests Man Who Tried to Protect Lisa and Isabella Miller From Gay Activists and Vermont Court (America: Punishing the Good, Rewarding Evil)

February 2012: ‘I promised God that if he would save my baby, I would leave the homosexual lifestyle’

September 2012: Amish Man Convicted For Helping Ex-Homosexual Protect Her Daughter

February 2013: America in Crisis: “Pastor jailed for refusing to testify in Vermont child custody case” 

March 2013: Pastor Kenneth Miller Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Aiding in the Protection of Lisa Miller and Daughter Isabella