LTRJ Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes.
“Radio ministry drops pastor over same-sex wedding comments”
By Steve Jordahl, Billy Davis
American Family News
After it learned of his controversial comments about homosexuality, American Family Radio is parting ways with well-known church pastor Alistair Begg and his daily radio program “Truth For Life.”
In a September podcast on his website, Begg discussed the issue of a Christian attending a same-sex wedding. The pastor said he was asked that question by a grandmother regarding her homosexual grandson. She was told by Begg if the homosexual couple knows of your commitment to Christ, and that you cannot approve of their union, then attend the wedding. Click here to continue reading.
Other LT Posts That Include Alistair Begg:
2007 – CMA (Christian Management Association) Goes Contemplative
2008 – Alistair Begg Withdraws from Reimagine Conference with Leonard Sweet
Nathan St. Marsaille
Maybe they should have dropped him due to his heretical Calvinist teaching.
John J
Calvinism is Satan’s counter to God’s word. It’s destructive and ungodly.
Would not it be the same if you had a niece who was named Emily, then changed her name to Max identifying were her imaginary maleness. who was told that her new name would not be heard out of the mouth of her loving aunt, and who spoke about Jesus, but yet did it anyway? The loving aunt does not communicate with her so as to not giver her any idea of agreement with her choices. Yet the aunt prays for her! She knows her aunt loves her, but she has decided to hate her instead, including anyone who talks of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world. Did Paul continue with those who refused salvation through the gospel? NO. Seems to me the church has compromised much! If this Neice decided to marry her woman friend in no way, would I go to the wedding or gift her in her sinful decision. It is an oxymoron!
A same sex marriage is not a marriage in God’s eyes. It is an abomination and just and excuse to sin. In our broken and confused world, it is also another way the devil has used for people to call good evil and evil good. So, no I will not be attending a “same sex wedding.”
Lighthouse Trails Editors
Good point.
Thomas Chesko
Why should other Calvinist’s reject Begg? He did what God ordained him to do.
I agree with American Family Radio’s decision, although I must admit I have been blessed by Begg’s previous preaching and teaching. As believers, we are to show respect and love to all, because all are made in the image of God, but to share in celebration of what God obviously calls sin, (it is destructive and dishonors God) is not right, rather, it is calling evil good. This grandmother would have been correct to share the truth in love with them, hopefully, she shared the true gospel with them, but not to attend their “wedding” or give them a gift. We gave a baby shower gift to a lesbian couple, but did not give them a gift or attend their union’s ceremony. The card for the baby’s gift was explicit in praising God for the baby’s birth and included a prayer for him.
Lighthouse Trails Editors
Christine, There is a difference. If an unsaved man and woman get married, the ceremony of their wedding is not, in and of itself, wrong or sinful (God, Himself ordained marriage between a man and a woman). But in a “same-sex” wedding, the very act of the ceremony is wrong. It doesn’t really work to compare a heterosexual wedding with a homosexual wedding. A better comparison would be to compare a homosexual wedding with something like a Wiccan ritual or even a bank robbery. If you were asked to attend the Wiccan ritual or the robbery, of course, you would say no because that would be participating knowingly in a sinful act.
So should we as a born again Christians stop going to every wedding of people who are unsaved? Where should the line be drawn – shouldn’t each situation be brought before the LORD for wisdom as to what to do?
Gary Steiner
Bummer. They should have dropped him long ago for his heresy.