LTRP Note: This past week, we asked author and filmmaker Caryl Matrisciana if she could give us an update on her critical health condition that we could pass on to our readers, many of whom are concerned and are praying for her. Caryl gave us the following update:
From Caryl Matrisciana:
Thanks for wanting an health update – difficult to say this early after only 6 weeks of cancer treatment if there’s any improvement after taking my cancer meds. I go monthly for a report from my Pulminary doc and Oncologist.
The former gave a wonderfully glowing report last week about the absence, at last, of every trace of pneumonia. Praise God!
I still have small cancer nodules in my lungs, BUT he said I had 98% oxygen coming through my blood & lungs, which showed a brilliantly strong immune system that he was happy to see was building up so well!! Praise my Loving God for His Kind Provision in this!
I also believe this improvement is due to my well-disciplined naturopathic system of green diet, which is basically no acidic content, only alkaline and no sugar! I’m also trying to have no stress, which causes inflammation, and I’m forcing myself to be involved in lots of exercise!
The stress comes through pain, which has been horrible! As of Friday, after a month without it, I’m back to using an opioid narcotic pain patch for bike accident residues of left side body aches in my back, knee and groin! With the pain patch I’m thrilled to report I’ve had two days of no pain but horrible side effects of vomiting all yesterday, nausea, headache, dizziness etc. Today I’ve woken up to new beginnings and a fresh start with none of the GHASTLY side effects and still am enjoying the removal of pain for which I’m truly grateful and appreciative to God!
The past month I’ve tried several ways of doing natural pain management but nothing worked SO back to the narcotic patch for a month of pain relief!!
About the other cancer drugs I’m using, the insurance company and grants are covering the expense of them, which is a wonderful answer to prayer, but I have no report of good results yet from the use of them!
Weekly blood tests don’t show any improvement through use of the cancer drugs; indeed instead of there being evidence of suppression of the growth of the cancer actually there is a 2/3rds increase which the doctor says is normal!! Apparently the meds force a spiking of the cancer growth in the first months which doesn’t make sense to me, but I’ll know more when I return to the oncologist in three weeks!
I have an infusion monthly to strengthen my bones and don’t know if that med is working yet either in strengthening my bones!
But my naturopathic results are VERY encouraging! I’m able to afford this regime through dozens of kind people who are sending me generous donations through my Donations Plea. These donations cover what my insurance company won’t, and I’m very grateful to my kind supporters’ prayers, financial gifts, helpful materials, and supplements. I’m truly overwhelmed by so much loving concern, which blesses me mightily!
My Naturopathic doc reports my antioxidants I’ve gone from an F rating to B+ A- showing my immune system is responding to all the supplements, minerals, and herbs I’m taking along with a very disciplined diet of greens, veg, fruits and nuts! No meat, wheat, acidic based foods or sugar!
My exercise regime includes therapy after my knee surgery which has improved the mobility of my left knee enormously – a gym work out twice a week to build up my muscles and strengthen my core etc after the pneumonia, which I’m responding to well. And tennis twice a week for 2-2 1/2 hrs which I’m also coping with VERY WELL!!
I’m including about 3 – 5 miles of bike riding on in between days which is good! My energy level is slowly increasing all though I get fatigued and tired easily so take naps which are helpful!!
I think that’s it for my health update!!
Thanks for your kind support and prayers.
With much appreciation,