By Tamara Hartzell
Author of In the Name of Purpose
An Interfaith Kingdom of World Servers Working Together as ONE
Our enemies in the Angel of light’s realm have been working long and hard at fulfilling his Plan. They are achieving marked success in enticing the world into his counterfeit kingdom and its (New Age) New Spirituality that appears as “light” and “peace.” As I mention in my book, Alice Bailey (A.A.B.) was approached by the spirit world to detail “the Plan” in writing. These writings are the basis for the descriptions of this counterfeit kingdom “of God” and its Plan to use world service to bring interfaith unity and “peace” to the world. As is to be expected, these enemies commonly twist Scripture after the pattern of the father of lies, who has been twisting God’s Word since the Garden of Eden. Also not surprisingly, their deceptions twist the nature and work of the Lord Jesus Christ and reveal an ongoing hatred for His true followers and Word.
“I [Djwhal Khul] … have a vision of the Plan … Through the cooperation of A.A.B. I put this plan – as far as was possible – before you, calling your attention to the New Group of World Servers.…
“[T]he vision is a vision of group work, of group relationships, of group objectives, and of the group fusion to the larger Whole.” —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul1
“[T]here is a group of human beings, integrating now … upon whom is laid the burden of leading humanity. They are starting movements that have in them the new vibration, they are saying things that are universal in their tone, they are enunciating principles that are cosmic, they are inclusive and not exclusive, they do not care what terminology a man uses; they insist that a man shall keep his own inner structure of truth to himself and not impose it on any one else … they demonstrate the universal light, they are servers …
“[T]hey are tied by no dogmas or doctrines because they have the word which has come to them in the dark, which they have wrought out for themselves in the strife and stress of their own souls. They meet the need of their fellow men, and theirs is the message of Christ, ‘A new commandment I give you that you love one another.’…
“‘A new commandment I give you’ can be summed up in ‘inclusiveness’, the hallmark of the New Age, the universal spirit, identification, oneness with all your fellowmen.…
“How shall we fit ourselves to meet that requirement, to possess those characteristics which automatically put us into the group of world servers? You will never get there by talking about it … You will get there by doing the next thing correctly.” —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul (Emphasis added)2
The desire for people to stop talking and debating and just start doing and cooperating facilitates interfaith unity among all beliefs and religions. This is exactly what the spirit world has been working toward. In the name of purpose, people are being lured away from doctrine to focus on relationships.
“He [‘Christ’] emphasized the necessity for cooperation, indicating that if we truly follow the Way, we shall put an end to competition, and substitute for it cooperation.…
“Love, brotherhood, cooperation, service, self-sacrifice, inclusiveness, freedom from doctrine, recognition of divinity – these are the characteristics of the citizen of the kingdom, and these still remain our ideals.” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)3
“As the Members of the Hierarchy [spirit realm] approach closer to us, the dream of brotherhood, of fellowship, of world cooperation and of a peace (based upon right human relations) becomes clearer in our minds. As They draw nearer we vision a new and vital world religion, a universal faith, at-one in its basic idealism with the past but different in its mode of expression.” —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul (Parentheses in the original; emphasis added)4
“It is time that the church woke up to its true mission, which is to materialize the kingdom of God on earth, today, here and now.… People are no longer interested in a possible heavenly state or a probable hell. They need to learn that the kingdom is here, and must express itself on earth … The way into that kingdom is the way that Christ trod. It involves the sacrifice of the personal self for the good of the world, and the service of humanity …” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)5
“Christ died in order to bring to our notice that the way into the kingdom of God was the way of love and of service. He served and loved and wrought miracles, and gathered together the poor and the hungry.” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)6
“True religion will come to be interpreted in terms of the will-to-good and its practical expression, goodwill.” —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul7
Goodwill in world service, not belief and obedience to the doctrine of the faith, is this kingdom’s definition of “true religion.” It naturally follows that this kingdom has also altered Christ into a counterfeit that all religions (faiths) can follow as their “example.”
“Christ stood as a symbol and also as an example … and showed us the pattern upon which we should mould our lives.
“The kingdom and the service!…
“We must grasp this; we must realize that we shall find release only in the service of the kingdom. We have been held too long by the dogmas of the past, and there is today a natural revolt against the idea of individual salvation through the blood sacrifice of Christ.… It is essential that today we face the problem of the relation of Christ to the modern world, and dare to see the truth, without any theological bias.… It is quite possible that Christ is far more inclusive than we have been led to believe … We have preached a God of love and have spread a doctrine of hate. We have taught that Christ died to save the world and have endeavored to show that only believers could be saved … But Christ founded a kingdom on earth, wherein all God’s children would have equal opportunity of expressing themselves as sons of the Father. This, many Christians find impossible to accept …
“Individual salvation is surely selfish in its interest and its origin. We must serve in order to be saved, and only can we serve intelligently if we believe in the divinity of all men and also in Christ’s outstanding service to the race. The kingdom is a kingdom of servers, for every saved soul must without compromise join the ranks of those who ceaselessly serve their fellow men.” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)8
“Our need today is to see the hidden thread of purpose … This [‘spiritual’] awakening is already here, and the will to good is present. The teaching of Christ … needs only to be rescued from the interpretations of the theologies of the past, and taken at its simple face value, which is an expression of the divinity of man, of his participation in the kingdom which is in process of being brought into recognition, and of his immortality as a citizen of that kingdom. What we are in reality passing through is ‘a religious initiation into the mysteries of Being,’ … and from that we shall emerge with a deepened sense of God immanent in ourselves and in all humanity.…
“The vital need is to return to the simple fundamental instruction which Christ gave, and to learn to love our brother.… It is a love which realizes that the world needs love, and that a spirit of love (which is a spirit of inclusiveness, of tolerance, of wise judgment and farsighted vision) can draw all men together into that outward unity which is based upon a recognized inner relationship.” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)9
“When the consciousness which is Christ’s has been awakened in all men, then we shall have peace on earth and goodwill among men.… The expression of our divinity will bring to an end the hatred rampant upon earth and break down all the separating walls which divide man from man, group from group, nation from nation, religion from religion. Where there is goodwill there must be peace; there must be organized activity and a recognition of the Plan of God, for that Plan is synthesis; that Plan is fusion; that Plan is unity and at-one-ment.…
“The realization of this is needed today. Christ in God. God in Christ. Christ in you and Christ in me. This is what will bring into being that one religion which will be the religion of love, of peace on earth, of universal goodwill, of divine understanding, and of the deep recognition of God.” —Alice Bailey (Bold added)10
In the Angel of light’s upside-down realm, the belief that God is immanent within All is the basis for the Oneness of All. “Awakening” to this Oneness is this kingdom’s so-called At-one-ment, and it is what makes a person “holy” (a complete mockery of the Lord Jesus Christ’s atonement):
“What is this holiness to which He calls us, when we take the first step toward the new birth? What is a holy man?
“Wholeness, unity, at-one-ment, completeness – this is the hall mark of a perfect man. Having once seen and with open eyes beheld the vision of divinity, what can we do?…
“It means listening for and obeying the insistent demand of the soul for a nearer approach to God and a fuller expression of divinity …
“This, Christ taught, and for this He prayed the Father.
“‘… I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one.’ (St. John, XVII, 20-23.)
“This is the doctrine of the At-one-ment; God, immanent in the universe – the cosmic Christ. God, immanent in humanity, revealed through the historical Christ. God, immanent in the individual, the indwelling Christ, the soul.” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)11
This Oneness is foundational to the (New Age) New Spirituality—a counterfeit Spirituality which is an intrinsic part of this counterfeit kingdom. The belief that God is immanent within everyone and everything also leads to the belief that God is ONE God of many names and manifestations in the many religions (faiths). This makes it easier to entice all religions together into this interfaith kingdom of “spiritual Oneness” and world service.
On the other hand, this kingdom sees those who refuse to become “holy” through its Oneness as guilty of “separateness” and “hatred.” They will be excluded from its otherwise all-inclusiveness:
“The true Church is the kingdom of God on earth … composed of all, regardless of race or creed, who live by the light within, who have discovered the fact of the mystical Christ in their hearts.… The members of the coming kingdom will think in terms of humanity as a whole; and as long as they are separative or nationalistic, or religiously bigoted, or commercially selfish, they have no place in that kingdom. The word spiritual will be given a far wider connotation than that which has been given in the old age … and we shall no longer regard one activity as spiritual and another as not. The question of motive, purpose and group usefulness will determine the spiritual nature of an activity.” —Alice Bailey (Bold added)12
“Love is unity, at-one-ment and synthesis. Separateness is hatred, aloneness and division. But man, being divine in nature, has to love …
“Each one of us has to tread the way of the cross alone, and enter God’s kingdom by right of achievement. But the way is found in service to our fellow men …
“It is through supreme service and sacrifice that we become followers of Christ and earn the right to enter into His kingdom, because we do not enter alone.…
“He [‘Christ’] knew no separateness.… and the ‘great heresy of separateness’ was completely overcome by His all-inclusive spirit.” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)13
“1. Countless men and women in every land will form themselves into groups for the promotion of goodwill and for the production of right human relations. So great will be their numbers that from being a small and relatively unimportant minority, they will be the largest and the most influential force in the world. Through them, the New Group of World Servers will be able to work successfully.
“2. This active energy of loving understanding will mobilize a tremendous reaction against the potency of hate. To hate, to be separate, and to be exclusive will come to be regarded as the only sin …” —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul (Emphasis added)14
In Warren B. Smith’s eye-opening book, False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care?, he discusses the spirit realm’s goal for Oneness and warns about its final solution for those who do not comply.15 The spirit realm will indeed “mobilize a tremendous reaction” against those who stand firm against (“hate”) its Oneness. Its Plan includes a “selection process” to purge all these so-called “cancer cells” from the planet. “Self-centered” separation is supposedly preventing the planet’s state of “health” necessary for humanity’s ultimate “spiritual evolution” toward its “divine potential”—i.e., the “new birth” of its “Christ consciousness” or “divinity.” At least this is the “positive” spin given by the spirit realm to explain their coming war against the saints under the Antichrist’s reign (e.g., see Revelation 13:7).
Today’s blinded world and Christianity are oblivious to Scripture’s prophecies and the underlying diabolical, global Plan of the spirit world. Consequently, they are easily being lured together as ONE, seemingly for the sake of “the common good,” “world service,” and “global peace” through “love,” “goodwill,” and “right relations.” The Angel of light’s counterfeit kingdom and ministers of ‘righteousness’ epitomize how the road to hell is paved with good works, piety, and spirituality.
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
The Angel of light is very effective in his deceptions. But then, our Adversary no longer has to work very hard to deceive given today’s plague of scriptural illiteracy.
Having ears to hear only what is “positive,” today’s Christianity is falling hook, line, and sinker for the Angel of light’s counterfeit kingdom of World Servers. This kingdom seeks to “put an end to competition, and substitute for it cooperation.” This kingdom makes it clear that its “Plan is synthesis … fusion … unity and at-one-ment” and its “love is unity, at-one-ment and synthesis.” Even its “peace is unity and synthesis.”16 The Angel of light seeks to “usher in the new era of joy and of peace and spiritual synthesis – that synthesis which we call brotherhood” (emphasis added)17 because the bottom line of his Plan is unity on his broad way.
1. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Section II – The General World Picture, (Caux, Switzerland: Netnews Association and/or its suppliers, 2002), —
2. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, The Labors of Hercules – Labor XII, Lecture by A.A.B. – 1936, (Caux, Switzerland: Netnews Association and/or its suppliers, 2002), —
3. Alice Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary, Chapter Seven – Our Immediate Goal, The Founding of the Kingdom, (Caux, Switzerland: Netnews Association and/or its suppliers, 2002), —
4. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Section III – Forces behind the Evolutionary Process,
5. Alice Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary, Chapter Five – The Fourth Initiation, The Crucifixion,
6. Ibid.,
7. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Section III – Forces behind the Evolutionary Process,
8. Alice Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary, Chapter Five – The Fourth Initiation, The Crucifixion,
9. Ibid., Chapter Seven – Our Immediate Goal, The Founding of the Kingdom,
10. Ibid., Chapter Two – The First Initiation, The Birth at Bethlehem,
11. Ibid.,
12. Ibid., Chapter Seven – Our Immediate Goal, The Founding of the Kingdom,
13. Ibid., Chapter Five – The Fourth Initiation, The Crucifixion,
14. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, The Reappearance of the Christ, Chapter V – The Teachings of the Christ, The Establishing of Right Human Relations,
15. Warren Smith, False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care? . Also see the section “Persecution Through the ‘Selection Process,’” pp. 162-166, in his book Deceived on Purpose, Second Edition.
16. Alice Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary, Chapter One – Introductory Remarks on Initiation,
17. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Section II – The General World Picture,
Like cars merging on to a six lane highway all going in the same direction. Different churches with different theologies all seem to be uniting.The New Calvinists, Kingdom Now adherents, Red Letter Christians, charismatics, Pentecostals, Catholics, Evangelicals, all spewing the same Mantra of the social Gospel. Don’t dare to disagree or you aren’t doing the word or work, or command of Jesus..
Sola Scriptura
It seems like Rick Warren is implementing her plan to perfection. It’s interesting seeing even the Calvinists and NAR heretics uniting. John Piper, Francis Chan, David Platt and even Paul Washer (!!) are speakers at conferences with Hillsongs, Jesus Culture and other NAR types. The Servus Christi YouTube channel has a new video outlining Washer’s new connection to the NAR and notes that the gospel coalition is moving left…even to the point of Marxism. Only the blood of Jesus can save a soul.
Anna Rosa
Part 4. 6. ‘Divinity’ and pantheism. We see that one all over the spiritual landscape. Also ties into their ‘oneness.’ 7. Acceptance of gross sin, and calling anyone who refuses to cater to it a ‘hater’. 8. Swapping out evangelism for slave labor. 9. Thinking that there will be world peace, unity, tolerance, brotherly love, and end to poverty and war, etc. and not believing in the return of Christ. 10. Abandoning the Bible as God’s Word. We see all of these things very alive and well in the apostate church today, and they are all from the core of the new age movement. But how many Christians are aware of it? And how many care? The key they don’t understand is that the cross is the pivotal point of entry into the kingdom, fellowship with God, forgiveness, love and peace, dealing with the sin nature and giving us His nature, etc. but they sweep it under the rug as if it were not necessary. As if sinful man could just hold hands and all would be well, all the bad would just go away in the world. But it won’t, because it is the nature of man wherein the root of the problem lies, and only Christ can uproot it, and only when you turn to Him to do so!
Anna Rosa
Part 3. What are some of the common heresies that have seduced the church as a whole? 1. Dominionism (aka ‘kingdom building’). The idea is ‘you can help usher in God’s kingdom by….(some act of service). Straight out of the new age. (The kingdom is among us in the sense of the Spirit in the church, we grow the kingdom by sharing the gospel and the body of Christ grows. The rest is just good works, nothing wrong with it but it does not bring ‘the kingdom.’) 2. Interfaith, interspirituality, abandoning truth of doctrine, unity with whatever (for a ‘good’ cause), and calling the rest ‘divisive’ and ‘mean’ etc. for sticking with the gospel truth. But that is what we are to do according to God’s Word, separate from apostasy and warn against it. 3. Inclusivity, like above, but this time involving sin and compromise with the world. We are to abstain from sin and separate from sinners and the world in order to BE holy, or else we sin, not the other way around. We are not at one with the fallen sinful cursed world, we have been called out and separated as a holy people unto God. 4. Pagan practices. We see mystical influences entering the church which are the common denominator of all false religions. 5. A false ‘revival’ coming, with more false oneness under antiC.
Anna Rosa
Part 2. Everything that is mentioned in the article of these new age goals have hijacked the church at large. They are all new age goals but the church does not see it. One subtle trap about it that is so deceiving is that so many of these things are God’s plan, but for those who COME TO JESUS. The cross is the boundary, if you are saved, then you are in His kingdom, are called to love one another, are one in the Spirit, have peace and love, etc. But it is not for the unsaved who are incapable of this because they have not repented at the foot of the cross, the border of reconciliation. The root of the problem is the sin nature, and it is still alive and well, so how could there be world peace if they explode over having to let one car merge onto the freeway ahead of them?! Without the Spirit, they are still sinners. See part 3.
Anna Rosa
Part 1. The devil is weaving the web so as to trap everyone in its grasp. Your spiritual eyes truly have to be open to see it. We know that under antichrist all will be ‘one’ under him by demonic influence. The world is ripe for this. What is scary (but prophesied) is that the church is marching under the same spell. And they don’t even know it. This information in the article has purpose driven apostasy written all over it, but how many see that? See part 2.
This stands out to me — “[T]hey are tied by no dogmas or doctrines because they have the word which has come to them in the dark, which they have wrought out for themselves in the strife and stress of their own souls …” — The Word of God, the Holy Bible, is clear that His Kingdom is the Kingdom of LIGHT, not of darkness, hence, the Word has NOT come to us in the dark. Jesus is the Light of the world. Also, we have NOT wrought anything out for ourselves in the strife and stress of our own souls — Jesus the Messiah did the work FOR us which we could NOT do, on the Cross, laying down His life for us while we were yet sinners. When we come to Him, there is NO strife and stress of our souls — His yoke is easy and His burden is light. It is amazing (and scary) how they twist the Word so unmercifully to meet their ends, their goals. I pray that people everywhere will be protected from this evil teaching and doctrine.
Tui Pearson
This is very sad. Thanks for posting this article L.T. This really is not a very sophisticated deception at all, and it saddens me that it has the power to deceive at all. Lord please protect the lambs 😥 and convict these liars.
They’re for oneness… peace… collaboration until… someone disagrees with them – then they set out to destroy. They are as their father… 10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy… (John 10:10) – they promise life… but deliver death instead. Be careful what spiritual gurus tell you… as I once heard…“Gurus” sell a better life… while living a worse one… and, God’s word says the same (2 Peter 2:17-20).