Announcing New Book by Warren B. Smith – “As Night Comes On: Strengthening the Things That Remain”

Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce the release of a new book by former New Age follower Warren B. Smith—As Night Comes On: Strengthening the Things That Remain (published by Mountain Stream Press, September 2024).

From the back cover: Over the last fifty years, concerned individuals and various discernment ministries have tried to warn the church about the New Age/New Spirituality and its overriding influence in the lives of countless believers. However, most church leaders have consistently ignored these warnings. As a result, our Spiritual Adversary has made huge inroads into today’s church as he paves the way for his New World Religion and his false Christ—the Antichrist. And as he attempts to deconstruct biblical Christianity, he is simultaneously constructing a New Gospel/New Spirituality while today’s church is walking right into his spiritual trap.

How does one stand in the face of what is happening?

From the vantage point of having come out of the New Age himself, Warren shares the truths and insights he has learned along the way. As Night Comes On is an ensemble of identifying the deception and at the same time providing the scriptural means to stand and endure. In these increasingly challenging and deceptive days, this book exhorts believers to hold fast to the true Christ—Jesus Christ—and to strengthen the things that remain.

But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. (Revelation 2:25)

Book Information:
Pages: 224
Retail price: $14.95
ISBN: 978-0-9846461-8-0

Available through Lighthouse Trails, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other major online book outlets.

Warren Smith
Warren Smith

Author Bio: Warren B. Smith (B.A. University of Pennsylvania; M.S.W. Tulane University)—A former community social worker, who served as a program coordinator for people with special needs, directing several homeless programs and working as a Hospice social worker in New Orleans and on the California coast. After leaving the New Age movement and becoming a Christian, he began writing extensively on the subject of spiritual deception. As Night Comes On is Warren’s tenth book, and he has also written over forty topical booklets and given numerous radio interviews and conference talks.

(Image in cover is from; used with permission)

11 thoughts on “Announcing New Book by Warren B. Smith – “As Night Comes On: Strengthening the Things That Remain”

  1. I see that in the argumentation related to not using Amazon, no BIBLICAL reasons were presented why it is not good (maybe only one – killing prenatal children – but not directly connected with us).

    These 2 verses came to my mind while reading the comments.
    These principles presented by the apostle Paul may help someone.
    1 Corinthians 6:12 (KJV): ‘All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. ‘
    1 Corinthians 7:31 (KJV): ‘and they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away. ‘

    Also, it is impossible to predict how your money will be used further when you buy something.

    Think about other aspects as well:
    – let’s stop listening to good classical music composed by Tchaikovsky just because he was gay
    – let’s stop using many other objects because they were invented or are made available by people in the world and not children of God

    The fact of no longer using certain tools from this world, under different ideas that have no biblical foundation or do not violate the Word of God, I would say that rather indicates a little bigotry for u, not holiness.

  2. “thumbs-up”
    Agreed. The Zodhiates family are true heroes, standing in the gap, laying down their lives, to protect children.
    Blessings on our day.

  3. They have still been given no date for the trial (which Philip finds strange being that September was when it was supposed to happen). So now, they just wait, trusting the Lord for His perfect timing. But Philip’s family has undergone incredible stress and persecution these last several years. Their steadiness in their faith is heroic, especially in this Western world where we’ve had it so good (relatively speaking).

  4. Off topic . . .
    I had been wondering about the trial of Philip Zodhiates.

    Here is an update from the link which you provided in your last post about him.

    “After having been told to be trial ready by September 1, we are still awaiting a specific trial date from Judge Sessions. . . .

    We’ve been blessed that God has allowed us to keep our legal invoices current, but the upcoming trial will likely cost $40,000, of which only one quarter is on hand. We are grateful for your prayers and everything you have already done to help us, but many have asked where things are at this point.

    Thank you so much for continuing to pray for us, and for our attorney and other attorneys involved in defending us. We are so very grateful for you.”

  5. Highly Esteemed LHT Editors,

    What you say is true. My rule of thumb is “that which is not of faith is sin.” God is in charge of each of His sheep, daily providing what is personally needed. Despite my natural inclinations, I am only allowed to color on my own page, not someone else’s. I will stand at the Mercy Seat for review of my own page, not someone else’s.

    I appreciated Stephan’s comment for bringing to light certain facts about Amazon. [In this life, we cannot avoid being part of the world system.] My sole intent was to add to those facts from my own broadening awareness how “satan’s wiles” are playing out. Knowledge about the Young Global Leaders and about the World Economic Forum has answered a lot of questions for me.

    Personally, I have honestly thought that purchasing “in house” is a better option, but the decision is always up to the purchaser.

    Personally, I quietly stopped shopping Amazon when they announced their policy to pay employees’ expenses required to kill prenatal children. Were they to end that policy, I would consider reengaging.

    As always, I appreciate your gracious wisdom. Thank you exponentially for standing in the heat of battle to exercise your gifts for the edification of God’s Beloved Ekklesia.

    God bless us one and all.

    btw, I decline to or am unprepared for jumping through the hoops now suddenly required in order to access this email account

  6. MV,
    The problem is, anyone who follows that rule of thumb regarding Amazon will also have to stop using the following:

    most other credit cards
    most other phone companies
    most large outlet stores
    And stop paying property taxes (which means you will lose your home) because the majority of property taxes go to the public schools which have become havens of corruption.

    As we see it, there are two kingdoms – the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of our Lord. We live in this world, but we try not to become corrupt or deceived by it. To be completely separated (in practical matters, not spiritual) is impossible at this time. Each person, each ministry, each church must pray and ask God for wisdom on how he or she or they can best live in this corrupt world and yet still bring glory to His name. It is a challenge that we here at Lighthouse Trails do not take lightly.

    As for Amazon, while they carry many books that do not bring glory to God (quite the opposite), and no doubt they are part of the globalist movement to bring “all things together” to ultimately worship the Antichrist, for the time being, they allow and even promote Christian books (including LT books). They don’t do it for godly reasons but for the bottom line (profit), but nevertheless, it is an open door to share truth. Just like the Internet that for sure has much evil coming through it, for now, it is also an available conduit for the Gospel and for truth. May the Lord give each of us, as believers in Christ, the wisdom and guidance we so desperately need in these times in which we life.

  7. To add to Stephan’s comment . . .
    Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon, is listed as a Young Globalist Leader with the World Economic Forum.
    The YGL program is a private, instructional multi-year seminar. YGL graduates are actually trained in the WEF worldview (and usually earlier in their careers, hence the name of the program).

    Info about YGL is open sourced — available on the internet.

  8. Buying from Amazon only supports the Beast kingdom… It’s best to buy from Lighthouse Trails and keep finances in house…. And Know I’m not affiliated nor do I know anyone connected to Lighthouse trails…. I simply know by research and first hand experience what Amazon is and how it subtly destroys by taking over ministries and small business owners businesses, homes, etc… I’m not trying to be a jerk and maybe it’s not my business to post this…. However, I’m simply trying share truth… We should help local ministries by purchasing from them and referring people to them instead of funding the beast who is out to destroy us….

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