Announcing Warren B. Smith’s New Book—The Titanic and Today’s Church: A Tale of Two Shipwrecks

Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce Warren B. Smith’s new book, The Titanic and Today’s Church: A Tale of Two Shipwrecks. The book, published by Mountain Stream Press, has gone to press and is now available for pre-order through Lighthouse Trails. It will also be available to order through most major online book outlets and bookstores by October 10th.

Description From Back Cover:

At 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic—the biggest, grandest ship of its time—collided with an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City. Less than three hours later the seemingly unsinkable ship did the unthinkable—it sank to the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean.

It has been well-documented how pride, false confidence, complacency, disregarded warnings, and general unpreparedness all played a part in the Titanic shipwreck. Those in charge had underestimated the physical danger in their midst. Sadly, today’s professing church shares many of these same characteristics as it similarly underestimates the spiritual danger in its midst.

The Titanic and Today’s Church is the story of two shipwrecks. One took place over a century ago; the other is in progress and is happening today. The similarities are astounding as they compel us to become more aware of our Spiritual Adversary’s schemes and devices (2 Corinthians 2:11), effectively “stand against” them (Ephesians 6:11), and “come out from among them” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

Book Information:

  • 264 pages
  • Photos and Illustrated
  • Retail Price: $14.95
  • Preview: PDF of Prologue and Chapter 1
  • Available now for pre-order through Lighthouse Trails (will ship around October 21st).
  • Also available through most bookstores and major outlets, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble by October 10th. Digital formats (Kindle, Nook, epub, and PDF) available by October 20th. For toll free ordering, call 866-876-3910.
  • Quantity discounts available through Lighthouse Trails.

Table of Contents:

1/ Dead Men Talking
2/ A Little Leaven
3/ Smart Ship, Smart Church
4/ Ship of Dreams /Ship of God’s Dreams
5/ The Launch
6/ Ark of Safety/Ark of Oneness
7/ False Confidence, Complacency, & Denial
8/ Wasted Warnings
9/ Racing Toward Disaster
10/ The Iceberg & The Antichrist
11/ Christianity & Anti-Christianity
12/ Rescue Operation
Appendix: Disaster Plan

Warren Smith
Warren Smith

Author Bio:

Warren B. Smith (B.A. University of Pennsylvania; M.S.W. Tulane University)—A veteran who worked at the White House Communications Agency and later became a community social worker, serving as a program coordinator for people with special needs, directing several homeless programs, and working as a Hospice social worker in New Orleans and on the California coast. After leaving the New Age movement and becoming a Christian, he began writing extensively on the subject of spiritual deception.

Warren B. Smith
c/o Mountain Stream Press
P.O. Box 269
Fortine, MT 59918


5 thoughts on “Announcing Warren B. Smith’s New Book—The Titanic and Today’s Church: A Tale of Two Shipwrecks

  1. I must give my highest commendation to Warren Smith’s new book. Ten stars!!!

    He demolished Rick Warren Principality and a host of others!

    Warren claims he is a Neo-Calvinist (Kuyper). Another contradiction.

    Warren also claims God dreams and that his Global Peace Plan that includes Muslims is God’s Dream. Only two problems with that corruption of Scripture:

    1. God does not dream because Scripture states clearly that “God neither sleeps not slumbers!” All dreams in the Bible are only when one is sleeping.

    2. Christ’s Global Peace Plan will not have a single unconverted Muslim in it, and not a single Muslim nation…not even one grain of sand of land!

    Warren Smith’s book is the Who’s Who of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing in the Church and Titanic Ship all Christians must jump off!

    Well done thy good and faithful servant!

    James Sundquist

  2. try Warren Smith’s book about his work at the Greyhound Bus San Francisco…and his book on Jesus Calling..he is a wonderful author.

  3. The section that is offered is excellent. This is a very timely book, and will likely give a splendid comparison of the tragic folly of the leaders of the Titanic, and today’s Church. This would be a wonderful book to offer you family and friends, whether they are believers or not.

  4. All scripture is God breathed, even all of the warnings of a coming deception a coming apostasy the great falling away as the church age enters into perilous times.
    The scripture to boldly defend the faith is every bit a vital as the Great commission.
    We will all have to give an account and all teachers of the word will be held to a much higher standard than the sheep in their flocks.
    The church shepherds are sounding more and more like BSF. That comment is OK there are no wrong answers here there is no judging anything or anyone here, unless you boldly defend the faith. Then you will be cast you out with bias.

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