Anti-Semitic Event Hosted by Taxpayer Supported University

LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes.

By Jordan Sekulow

It’s stunning to think a state university would allow an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic conference.

But it’s unconscionable that it would use tax dollars to do so, promoting the spirit of anti-Semitism at the expense of its Jewish students.

The ACLJ has just submitted a public records request for all information regarding the anti-Israel “Conflict over Gaza: People, Politics, and Possibilities” conference held on the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill campus.

In March of this year, UNC Chapel Hill hosted the Conflict over Gaza event which was organized by the joint Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies. According to complaints, the conference was little more than an anti-Israel rally for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement . . . The BDS movement is inherently anti-Semitic and seeks to dismiss the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish State. Click here to continue reading.

Related Reading:

“House Passes Softened Anti-Semitism Resolution”

The Dust of Jerusalem and the Last Generation by Tony Pearce

New Muslim Congresswoman From Minnesota, “Ilhan Omar Flip-Flops, Shares Support for BDS”


1 thought on “Anti-Semitic Event Hosted by Taxpayer Supported University

  1. Not even the two-faced Egypt and its allies could defeat Israel in 1967. Today, not even a two-faced world would be able to defeat Israel, as an ungodly a place it has become despite! When Christ triumphantly returns for his Second Coming as Ruler, King, Judge, it will be to Jerusalem . . . not to Washington, L.A., Toronto, Detroit Cape Town, Rome, Athens, Miami, London, Paris, or the despicable and filthy island of Ibiza. Just so you know.

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