Are We Becoming a Drug Culture? (Interview with McMahon and Teichrib)

LTRP Note: The following interview between T.A. McMahon of The Berean Call and Carl Teichrib (author of Game of Gods) highlights the increase of drug use in our present culture. Tied in with the spiritual atmosphere of today where esoteric experiences are sought after by both secular and religious people and recreational marijuana is becoming legalized in more and more states of the U.S. (and fully in Canada), this is a recipe for a disastrous outcome.

The very people who have been advocating for [marijuana’s] legalization, those are the same people who are [saying] that what the legalization of marijuana does is it opens up a gateway—[to] the legalization . . . psychedelics. . . They recognize that human evolution can only take place through a spiritual reawakening via the psychedelic substance.—T.A. McMahon

By T.A. McMahon and Carl Teichrib

Tom: Welcome to Apostasy Update. I’m T. A. McMahon, and in this program we’re addressing biblical eschatology—what the Bible has to say prophetically about the last days prior to the return of Jesus Christ. 

My partner in this discussion is Carl Teichrib. He’s the author of Game of Gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-enchantment.

Carl Teichrib

Carl, welcome back, and thanks for joining me in our ongoing discussion of where the world and Christendom are headed according to the Scriptures as history draws to a close.

Carl: Good to be back, Tom. Looking forward to this discussion.

T.A. McMahon

Tom: Yeah. Carl, as you know, and hopefully many of our viewers recognize that we’re—what we’ve been presenting in this series is taken from four books: your book, Game of GodsAmerica, the Sorcerer’s New Apprentice; Christianity and Anti-Christianity in Their Final Conflict; and most importantly the Bible, which is God’s direct communication to mankind.  Click here to read the rest of the interview or to listen to it.

Related Information:

Discernment Materials by Carl Teichrib

The Cross and the Marijuana Leaf by Linda Nathan

Where Are We Going? by David Dombrowski

(photo from; used with permission)

1 thought on “Are We Becoming a Drug Culture? (Interview with McMahon and Teichrib)

  1. We are definitely seeing an increase of psychedelic drugs becoming more easily accessible to all ages. There are two events that take place here in the US where you would see a substantial increase in drug use. The Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert and Tomorrowland in Atlanta, GA. To get a good idea what is being promoted at these events, see this link that explains what Tomorrowland is all about especially at the 5:18 mark. Another global event called Global Citizen promotes the one world satanic system through the use of music just as the previous two events.
    The Berean Call is my other favorite site to get updates on the ongoing apostasy.
    Keep praying. Read what Jesus said of Himself and those who believe His words concerning His and our Father in heaven in John17 (ESV).

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