1. Larry Allen

    This judge and any involved doctors and hospitals need to be personally sued by the parents. They have no right to force the guardians of a minor to do anything with regards to her health. This is absolutely disgusting.

  2. Jeffry

    God bless you Mass Resistance. May all of us pray for you. The LBGT and Transgenders are right out of sodom and Gomorrah. All of our children are in danger of there perversion.. Canada is turning into a communist country. Their P.M. is a monster. Is America going to follow in their footsteps? Pray for all of our Governor’s to reject this insanity! Each state in America must stop these Godless people. Christians need to pray for Canada and America.

  3. John J

    I’m sorry to repeat it again, but under the limp-wristed, humanist Justin Trudeau and his ineffective socialist government, Canada has slipped down that slippery slope so fast that it is clueless on most things, and has accumulated the hallmarks of a third-world country. I have never seen a country deteriorate at such a speed.
    Canada is an embarrassment.

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