Author and Contender of the Faith, Tamara Hartzell, Passes Away

flower-2On February 20th, 2015, Tamara Hartzell passed away.  Tamara is best known for her two exhaustive volumes:  In the Name of Purpose (2006), which exposes  the false teachings of the Purpose Driven movement and  “Reimagining” God: Turning the Light off to Look for “Truth” in the Corner of a Dark Round Room) (2012), which is an expose on the emerging church and the “new” spirituality that has entered the church.

In addition to Tamara’s two well-documented books, she was also a behind-the-scenes researcher for a number of discernment authors. Her sacrifice and efforts were invaluable to the cause of defending the biblical faith. On her website, she describes herself as “an earthen vessel trying to redeem the time, because the days are evil.” Tamara never wanted any recognition for herself, and she remained resolute in her commitment to the Lord’s work. That work  (and the stress and hardship that comes with this type of ministry) took a toll on her health as she had been battling MS and other health problems for a number of years, but this did not deter her from standing for the truth. An epitaph for Tamara could accurately read, “She loved the Truth.”

Tamara was a former nurse and a graduate of California State University. She leaves behind her husband Calvin, a daughter, a grandson, and her mother, all of whom will miss her dearly. In addition, there will be a gap in church discernment without the vigorous and dedicated work of this beloved sister in the Lord. Tamara was 51.

While preparing this notice of Tamara’s departure, a close friend of Tamara’s gave us the following letter that Tamara had written this past December, knowing her time on this earth was short. She requested a copy be given out to those who knew her. With permission from her family, we share this with our readers now, as many of you have been blessed by Tamara Hartzell’s work over the past ten or more years.

Tamara’s farewell letter—12/10/14

To all of my loved ones:

Calvin knows that I do not want a memorial service. They do not tend to be much, if at all, about Jesus anymore, but rather a “celebration” of the person’s own life. In no way would that make me happy.

Jesus is my life, and Jesus is my celebration! And I want as many people as possible to know Jesus and to know His life. People can be told about my love for Jesus and that His victorious salvation has brought me into His loving Presence in Heaven, to be with Him for all eternity.

I so can’t wait to see my beloved Jesus!! What a glorious day that will be! A day to celebrate!!

My precious Lord and Saviour is everything to me. He is my All in All. I so want everyone to know Him and His love! I pray that those who aren’t saved will soften their hearts and get saved before it’s too late. I pray that they come to know how much He loves them!

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” And the woman answered, “Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world” (John 11:25-27). God’s Word also tells us, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved;” “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:9,13).

I love you all very much, and I thank God for you. I look forward to seeing you again in a victorious and glorious celebration of eternal life with God Himself! Thank you Jesus for your wonderful gift of salvation!! And thank you God for your wonderful gift of my beloved husband, Calvin! I love you Calvin, so much!! When Jesus comes to take me home, I will look forward to seeing you again most of all.

May our loving God bless and protect all of you every day of your lives and bring you safely home.

I love you!!

Tamara Hartzell

Some Articles by Tamara:

The Post-Transformation of a A WORD-Less Faith

The Angel of Light’s “Plan” for World Peace

Purpose-Driven “No Matter What it Costs”

Reimagining God

The Mission of Creating the “Third Testament”


1 thought on “Author and Contender of the Faith, Tamara Hartzell, Passes Away

  1. Sorry to hear she is no longer with us. Just discovered her books about the emergent church movement and she was really good at pulling much together and making cogent points, summaries, and observations that I could never come close to in giving a discerned view from the scriptures about the emergent church movement.

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