Author: Guest Writers

Guest Commentary: “COVID-19—What Could We Learn?”

By Eric Barger THE GOOD NEWS: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” “If God be for us, who can be against…

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“‘Albert Mohler and the Gay Revolution’—New Documentary Exposes Sell-Out”

NEWS PROVIDED BYCathy Mickels (Used with permission.) SEATTLE, Feb. 4, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ — Dr. ES Williams, a member of Charles Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, in collaboration with respected researcher, Reverend Thomas Littleton, has produced a new video titled Albert…

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Guest Commentary: Combating Error—Whose Job Is It?

LTRP Note: The following commentary was submitted in relation to our recent article “Francis Chan Warns Those Who Criticize Christian Leaders: “God Will Destroy You.” By Victor Scipioni Guest Commentary In Revelation 4:11, it says: Thou art worthy, O Lord, to…

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Guest Commentary: On Behalf of Sheepdogs Everywhere

LTRP Note: The following article is written by a long-time Lighthouse Trails reader who is a lay preacher and evangelist from Canada. He encouraged us to post this specifically on behalf of the many dedicated commentators, authors, readers, and contenders…

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The English Standard Version (ESV) Study Bible. “A Dream Come True”?

 Written and compiled by Art K. Introduction to a Study on The English Standard Version First, why I compared the KJV to the ESV is because the ESV study Bible has received such high praise for being an excellent literal…

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Is Your Church Getting Stronger or Weaker?

By Judson Casjens Recently, I read the following letter: I was saved in 1973, and I have seen dramatic changes in Bible-believing churches over the past 44 years, and in the vast majority of cases, the changes have been for…

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Guest Commentary – Welcome to Rome!

By Judson Casjens Guest Commentary Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs poll, conducted May 3-7, 2017, found that a “leftward movement in perceptions of what is morally acceptable has been ongoing,” with a shift in 13 of 19 issues over time…

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Who’s to Blame for Bookstore Closures?

By Jim Fletcher Free-lance writer News came this week that Family Christian Stores is finally shuttering all 240 locations. The 85-year-old chain filed for bankruptcy protection in 2015, and now the end has come for the Christian retail giant that…

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Frank Viola Reposts Interview with George Barna on “Pagan Christianity” – They’re Still Missing the Point

On December 7th, author Frank Viola reposted an interview he did with co-author George Barna on their book Pagan Christianity. Therefore, Lighthouse Trails is reposting the critique on that book written by our  free-lance writer Philip Gray. Viola and…

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Commentary: What Do Hitler, Alice Bailey, and Replacement Theology Adherents Have in Common?

By Philip Gray Free-lance writer and contender of the faith What Do Hitler, Alice Bailey, and Replacement Theology Adherents Have in Common? Basically, the answer to that question is that in all three cases, they reject the Jews as God’s…

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Barna and Viola Book, “Pagan Christianity,” Remains Popular, Continues Misleading

By Philip Gray Free Lance Writer for Lighthouse Trails In Pagan Christianity, Frank Viola and George Barna tell readers “Reading this book takes courage.” We couldn’t agree more, but not for the same reasons that Viola and Barna warn their…

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Guest Commentary: A Response to “Red Letter Christians” and Tony Campolo’s “Going the Jesus Way”

By Erik G. Guest Commentary I saw the article, on Tony Campolo: “Christians Should Vote for Hilary.” It was quite revealing. Well on his website (, he wrote a short article called, “Going the Jesus Way” ( He describes what…

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