1. william j power

    Great read thank you. Jesus warns us of taking away or adding to the Bible, those that do will receive plagues. I think these preterists and “kingdom now” theologians have been plagued with the same blindness that the Jewish people have. It is not a small matter. Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Catholics (some), Muslims will not convert to Christianity because they KNOW what they hear is a lie. We must always be ready to give a defense for our faith and false eschatology is not much of a defense. Further, this verse could be a problem for them in the future as they say the Church is the new Israel ….

    Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
    Revelation 3:9 NKJV

  2. Heidi Lavoie

    Yes, and now Russia has got a foothold in Syria. Very significant. Israel is deeply troubled by this development.

  3. Debbie Seburn

    Hello from Canada!
    I thoroughly love your work and authors like Warren B Smith, Ray Yungen etc. I was wondering if you have done any research into the “Hebrew Roots” movement within the church. I have personal friends who were “lost” in this for several years.
    Blessings in your ministry!
    Debbie Seburn

  4. Elizabeth Bennett

    Russia, Turkey and Iran just formed a coalition. Prophecy fulfilling. This coalition will be the first to come against Israel and be destroyed by God Himself. Putin better read the Bible! We know the end of the story.

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