Share International, the organization for Benjamin Creme, has announced his death. He was 93 years old. The announcement stated:
Share International regrets to announce that Benjamin Creme, British artist, author and lecturer has died. He passed away peacefully on 24 October 2016 at his home in London, with his family around him.
Through his work as the Chief Editor of Share International magazine, as author of many books, and as international speaker, Benjamin Creme has been an inspiration throughout the world in presenting information about the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom. Working from a background of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings given to the world by Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, and the Alice Bailey esoteric teachings, he has expanded and brought up to date this ancient knowledge.
Working under the tutelage of one of the Masters of Wisdom, Benjamin Creme dedicated the last 40 years of his life to his work for the Emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom, and in doing so inspired hundreds of thousands of people across the world. He began his public work in 1975 and lectured worldwide from 1979 onwards, only finally stopping at the age of 90. (source)
Warren B. Smith wrote about Creme in his book, False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care? The following excerpt from Smith’s book gives a brief overview of Benjamin Creme:
In February 1982, Wayne Peterson, a director of the U.S. Government’s Fulbright Scholarship Program,1 was relaxing in his Washington D.C. home looking for something to watch on TV. His interest was piqued when he noticed popular talk show host Merv Griffin holding up a book titled The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom. Peterson, a former Peace Corps volunteer and veteran American diplomat, writes that his first thought was that the book had some “fundamentalist Christian message,” but he questioned why Griffin would be “promoting” this religious group on his show. Fascinated, he stayed tuned as Griffin interviewed the book’s author, British artist and esotericist Benjamin Creme. Peterson recalls what transpired in the interview:
During this discussion, Creme said that the one Christians call the Christ had reappeared and was living in a major industrial city in the Western world. This time his name was Maitreya, and he was bringing with him a large group of his disciples, highly advanced, spiritual men called the Masters of Wisdom. He said we could expect to hear more about Maitreya on local and international news programs very soon.
Maitreya’s purpose, Creme indicated, was to help us realize our innate divinity through learning to live in right relationship as brothers and sisters of one great family. The first step was to establish sharing as the way to eliminate the poverty and starvation that caused millions around the world to die daily in the midst of plenty. Maitreya was emerging in time to help us save ourselves and the planet, and would make himself known to all in a televised ‘Day of Declaration’ soon to come.2
As Peterson listened to Creme and heard about Maitreya, he recalled an incident from childhood. As a little boy in the midst of a life-threatening illness, he believed that he had been visited by “Mary,” the mother of Jesus. So powerful was her help and presence that he expressed his desire to depart with her rather than stay in the world. In her successful effort to convince him to stay in the world with his family, Peterson states that she told him the following:
I am going to tell you a secret that few now know. If you stay with your family, you will see the Christ because he will come to live with the people of the world.3
Universal New Age Christ
Convinced that Maitreya was the “Christ” that “Mary” had promised would come, Peterson ordered Creme’s book. From his reading, he learned more about the “Christ” and his “highly evolved” disciples, the “Masters of Wisdom.” Peterson read how these Masters of Wisdom are supernaturally assisting in the evolution of humanity. From his reading, Peterson came to the conclusion that what we commonly refer to as angels are really “Christ” and these Masters of Wisdom. He read that in the future, as humanity transitions from the “old order” to a New Age, there will be more and more open collaboration between these Masters of Wisdom and world leaders in all fields and disciplines. Reading Creme’s book, Peterson felt he was beginning to get the big picture:“As I read Creme’s book, I learned more about the Christ, or World Teacher, whose personal name is Maitreya. He is the one awaited by all the major religions albeit unknown to them. The Christians wait for the return of the Christ, Buddhists for the next Buddha, Muslims for the Imam Mahdi, Hindus for a reincarnation of Krishna, and the Jews for the Messiah. These are all different names for one individual, Maitreya, who is here not as a religious leader but as a teacher for all humanity.”4
Benjamin Creme, in The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, said:
“In the esoteric tradition, the Christ is not the name of an individual but of an Office in the Hierarchy. The present holder of that Office, the Lord Maitreya, has held it for 2,600 years, and manifested in Palestine through His Disciple, Jesus, by the occult method of overshadowing, the most frequent form used for the manifestation of Avatars. He has never left the world, but for 2,000 years has waited and planned for this immediate future time, training His Disciples, and preparing Himself for the awesome task which awaits Him. He has made it known that this time, He Himself will come.”5 (from False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care?, chapter 4, pp 45-47, Mountain Stream Press, used with permission)
1. Wayne S. Peterson, Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings: Experiences of an American Diplomat with Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom (Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Co., 2003), p. ix.
2. Ibid., p. 31.
3. Ibid., p. 3.
4. Ibid., pp. 33-34.
5. Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom (North Hollywood, CA: The Tara Press, 1980), p. 30.
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